Or the other sure fire method for my kids is to open a car door and yell "go for a ride"…. Of course that would do me no good now, since Kristii in her elder years is a deaf as a door knob.....
In the first half of the video, she soooooo wants the noise to go away, so she can get her beauty sleep ;). Too funny, made me smile all the way through !!!
Great job on the photo work…....I just love that hooded sweatshirt.:D
lol the hoodie is my masterpiece many people have seen it on the web akread and many think its a real hood but if u look closely u can see my cheek just to the right of lucy's nose thanx for the comment
lol yea most basenji's are actually yodelers i was just messing with the harmonica one time and she came up to me and sat down next to me and started to sing. The spoon was funny it happened once and it was her way of telling us that she hasnt been fed. When she grabbed the spoon im asking my mom maybe shes hungry? and my mom says oh right she hasnt been fed yet, she didnt want to give back the spoon though