My story is a bit sad, but shows the commitment of the breeder. We got Timmy from Brenda Cassell at Signet Kennels.
When Timmy ran out and we couldn't find him, we had to tell Brenda. She had just flown in from a trip and decided that she would make the drive down with a couple other dogs to help find him. Brenda lives in Ft. Worth, we live in San Antonio, it is about a 5 hour drive one-way. Even after we got the bad news that Timmy was struck and killed by a car, she continued her trek to take Timmy's body home. :(
Need stories or anecdotes about responsible breeders -
TX-Houston-Female PB Pups-1 Tri & 1 Black & White F-In RescueThis one has been up for a while. I finally took the plunge and inquired about them just a couple days ago. This is the response I got:
"The Black and white girl is the only one I have left at this point.
The guy with the Mother dog bred her to a neighbors male Basenji against his
wife's wishes. When the pups were about 4 1/2 weeks old she threatened to
take the babies to the pound. They were too messy. He called me and I took
them in here. I met the Female she was a brindle and she was definitely a
Basenji. The neighbor with the male kept one of the pups. Never met the male
but was told he was a tri colored male.
Only other Basenji proof I have is that my 3 year old female Basenji adopted
the litter and has been taking care of them since they have been allowed out
with the rest of the dogs. :)" -
New pics of KipawaGosh, is he ever gorgeous!
Podengo Pequeno smooth puppiesThought you might enjoy the antics of the PPPsmooth puppies - I think they are around 4 months here. Sort of shorter basenji looking more long than square -
These are in Texas.
And if you are at a dog show look for the March Sight and Scent - I have a couple of ads in there for my pequeno and one of my bigs.
Hi dmcarty,
I read another post you wrote (this year) about the Portuguese Podengos and became curious as I saw that The Pequenos look a lot like the dog we are fostering. I was just wondering if you think she might be one. She was listed as a Chi/Basenji mix but with the help of the forum, we concluded that she looked corgi….that is until I saw pictures and videos of the podengos. Thanks!
ChisenjiSounds like she does have lots of issues, however considering her background (condition you got her in) not a surprise. And as she becomes comfortable you will most likely find other problems….. Not sure this is the best fit....
And we knew when fostering, it would be a possibility. There was expressed interest in an adopter not long after I brought her hope, so however it works out, I don't doubt she will find her home.
ChisenjiSo far all but one family member love her. My youngest, Lee doesn't like her at all, will stay in his room if she's out and about. He doesn't like her long nails, she also has dew claws. I think she may have scratched him accidentally and it totally turned him off. Still deciding whether we are going to adopt, we have found that she is possessive of toys and growls if we try to take them. The hubster and I are working on it and don't allow the kids to play fetch with her unless the object is on the floor and not near her mouth. We discovers she is also food aggressive, another thing we are monitoring and working in. It's only day two and no decisions will be made for a while. She is my little shadow, following everywhere I go, even whining if I leave the room or don't go along on walks. She is a very good listener and is eager to please. She did better than expected in her crate and that's when we confirmed basenji. She whined and barked for about two minutes then the barks turned into full-on yodels which melted my heart. She calmed down after about five minutes and slept all night. She's such a good girl. We found out she has a name, she was in ACS before under different owners and she was called Brittany, which she responds to. She is possessive of me. When my hubby kissed me goodby, she growled and barked at him, but I think she doesn't like is ACU's and boots! We shall see!
ChisenjiShe is not liking the crate and we have a yodeler!
ChisenjiWe are fostering, possibly fostering-to-adopt this cute little lady. Per ACS, her owners passed away and their children surrendered her, did not want to take on the responsibility. They gave VERY little information on her, not even a name, (we are calling her Daisy for now) and she doesn't seem like she got very good care. She is super friendly and very loving, however, she is covered in ticks and fleas, which I just gave her a good shampooing and a dose of frontline. She didn't mind her bath too terribly. Anyhoo…She was listed as a Chihuahua/Basenji mix, but I think she looks Corgi. Thoughts?
Sorry for the poor quality pictures, I used my phone.
BillySo sorry for your loss. :(
HelloGreat video! I miss the soft Wisconsin grass!!
Do you come up this way often then to visit?
Yes, we go twice a year for summer vacation and Christmas. Plan on spending July up there to get away from the TX heat!
HelloA fellow Wisconsinite :)
Welcome to you and Max!
Ditto! My family is in Waukesha, Racine and Milwaukee!
Bedtime basenjiWhat a precious picture! I have a Lilly too!
New Puppy, Bad Timing@Anubis's:
If you haven't found a puppy yet I am in Oklahoma and have a 12wk old Basenji/beagle mix. She was born in my home. Her father is a Basenji mother was a Beagle. She was going to be kept by me and due to some unexpected circumstances I have decided to find her a good home. Her mother is now living with a friend but her dad is with me :) She's healthy and very sweet. She is pretty hyper and has a LOT of Basenji like qualities including looks and personality lol. She needs her 2nd set of shots but has had her first. I had to leave town due to family illness and missed the appointment for her 2nd set. Im in SW Oklahoma. You can call me if you'd like to know more. 580-492-4910. Im asking $50 for her.
Aww. She is a total cutie and I would take her in a heartbeat. I love the video you posted of her climbing the fence not too long ago. Unfortunately, we can't take her. The hubs ter is still closed off to getting another dog right now. I'm not sure if you've read any of my other posts, but we lost our beloved Timmy after only having him for two weeks. Broke all of our hearts and he isn't willing to do it again just yet (another dog, not the heartbreaking part). Thank you for thinking of us though, best of luck.
Still Not Over Timmy -
Still Not Over TimmyThank you for your encouraging words. I guess I should haven't used the word replace, because I do realize that it just can't happen. At the time I got into that fight with my mom, it felt like she was, in not so many words, saying to "replace" Timmy, and there were emotions going wild and I just didn't want to hear of getting another dog. But I am open to it now, just have to get the hubster on board. I know not a lot of time has passed since losing
Timmy, I just have to be patient. ;) -
Still Not Over TimmyIt saddens me to read your post, how can you not share your life with another Basenji? Don't think of it as replacing one dog with another, you can never replace a dog. But you can find another to love in honour of the one that is gone. When I lost this Basenji I never thought I would get another as quickly as I did but when I saw this Basenji on the BRAT site there were far too many coincidences involved to ignore. I HAD to get that dog. Sometimes dogs happen to you, and I firmly believe that Sunny sent Billy to me to love in his honour; he knew I could, and should, love him.
And please don't think that you are not "worthy" of another Basenji, I agree with your husband that what happened to Timmy could have and should have been avoided, but the bottom line is that it happened and it COULD happen to a Basenji "professional" as well. Learn from what happened to Timmy, don't beat yourself up about it. Things like that could happen to small yappy breeds too. I think your husband will come around, everyone grieves in their own time frame.
Thank you, Joanne, for sharing your story with me. I am happy that you are living a happy new chapter with Billy. Your story is very inspiring, perhaps I will share it with Jason after I give him some more time.
Still Not Over TimmyThe sun is shining today after a few days of rain and thunderstorms, which I can't complain living in TX. Yesterday, my daughter and I were pretty upset looking out my bedroom window yesterday into our neighbors yard. Our neighbors have two dogs, what looks like a collie mix and a german shepherd mix. It was pouring buckets and thundering. The german shepherd mix was pawing at the door because his buddy got loose and couldn't get back in the yard. My daughter went next door to let the owners know but no one came to the door even though vehicles were parked in the driveway.
We have lived in our house since last June and only once have we ever seen anyone out to play with the dogs. They bark all day/night because they want attention. They get loose from the yard every now and then and I just want to kidnap them sometimes because it seems that their owners don't have time for them. One weekend the family went on a trip and left the dogs in the back yard with a pile of food, well that was gone long before they got back, so it was a sleepless night for us because of the constant barking. It makes me angry because they have two dogs, but don't seem to care about them. We had a dog, we wanted him, we loved him and he is no longer here.I wasn't always a dog lover, much less a basenji lover….I have always been partial to kitty cats. The first time I heard about the breed was through my husband, Jason. He had a red and white girl named Nikita (she had a white nike swoosh on her head), she passed before I met my husband. whenever he looked through pictures of Nikita, my husband would always mention he wanted another one and I was completely against it. When we moved to San Antonio the first time (military) a few years ago, we went to the Rodeo and surprisingly there was a basenji breeder and abut 3 b's there showing her dogs (2007 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo). My husband tried again to make me fall in love with his perfect breed, but still I would not budge. A couple years later while Jason was deployed in Afghanistan, we were living in Louisiana and the children and I were watching Animal Planet (Dogs 101) and there they were, basenjis! I quickly started recording the episode so Jason could watch when he got home. After that episode, I got a little more interested in the breed, and eventually falling in love, so I started doing a little research, which led me to BRAT. There, I found a beautiful male tri named Tut and send the info to the hubster. He was happy to see that I was open to the idea of a basenji, but the timing was way off, our boys were still in diapers and with his experience with Nikita, he wasn't sure toddlers and a basenji would be a good mix. So enough time had passed as well as the diaper phase when this past fall we thought it was time to start looking for our very own family basenji. Jason didn't grow up with pets, so it was always his dream to give his kids a childhood with a dog at the center of their memories....sweet isn't it? Well it took some searching, a couple heartbreaks and finally with help from some of you, we found our dream dog with Brenda at Signet Kennels. Well, you know how the short story ended. Losing Timmy has been so hard, not only because how much we loved and wanted him, but because how soon we lost him. We are still very much mourning him, but as it tends to do, life must go on.
When Timmy was killed, my mom suggested getting another dog to get over our loss. We got into a big argument and I told her there is no way I can think of replacing him and another dog will not help. The past month, I've been reading through posts/threads and saw a few stories where some folks after losing a dog, adopted another, which helped with the grieving. I check BRAT at least 4 times a week with mixed emotions. There are two wonderful dogs listed in TX and I love them both. I occasionally ask Jason if he thinks we could try again and his answer is a steadfast NO. It upset me until finally he explained to me in a way for me to understand. He said what happened to Timmy shouldn't have and could have been avoided. We had him two weeks and we failed him, costing him his life. The emotions he went through during the whole process from beginning to end were such a roller-coaster. He feels embarrassed and ashamed that things went about the way they did. He also doesn't want to disrespect Brenda by replacing Timmy. He says that if he were a BRAT coordinator, he would not give us another dog because of what happened. I try to tell him it was a horrible lesson learned, that we could make changes and set up better ground rules, but perhaps he is right. I think he feels guilty because Timmy escaped under his watch. I was out of state and he couldn't put as much effort into searching for him with two little boys to look after in the meantime. It saddens me that he has closed the door to another basenji. He says maybe another breed, a small (yappy) dog, perhaps. But I don't think I can be swayed. I love basenjis and I don't want a different breed.
So, I guess for the time being, I'll just read, envy and live vicariously through your stories from afar, maybe leave a comment here and there. Thanks for letting me ramble and once again thank you all for your kinds words regarding Timmy. -
Video of my Beagle/Basenji puppy at 9wks escaping the kitchenThey're adorable!!
TimmyI feel terrible that we let Brenda down too. She put so much love and time into making Timmy such a wonderful boy.
My condolences to you, your family and to Brenda at signet Kennels. I'm sure you are all feeling the loss