The urine density was 1.058
the PH was 8
there where 2+ proteins
tripple sulfates
and traces of Glucose!!!
She thinks it has to do with his diet, and when she heard from her assitant that I mentioned the satin balls , she thinks the tests could have come up like that because he had that the night before and the morning of the tests. She says a diet really high in protein and also excesive excercise could cause that.
If the strip is clear, honestly while I think the dog absolutely needs to be tested for Fanconi… please follow your gut and keep looking at other areas. The dumping glucose concerns me but not sure if trace is enough to worry.
I called my research vet but she wasn't in to ask about those numbers. I left a message so if she calls back I'll post.
However, some thoughts. Always have dogs go in fasting blood work, it's more accurate. If the dog ate and something is wrong on the results, you are where you are... needing to do it again.
The dog hasn't been on Satin balls long enough to be an issue (other than right after eating). But as already said, they are a short term boost, never intended for long term. I would really ask about cyproheptadine to boost appetite and feed high quality kibble, throw in an egg and 1 tb oil a day to get his weight up slowly without the grains and sugars in the satinball.
Dogs are carnivores... high protein is rarely a problem. Many people feed raw. Trace of glucose may not be issues especially with you feeding satinballs; but again, you need to fast from midnight and retest.
Edited, vet called: 7 normal, higher pH can cause crystals, may be diet relate
Proteins dumping and losing sugar means a kidney issue, but since blood work normal sounds like may have done in-house testing, may want to send out to be sure. A wicked infection or bladder/kidney stones could cause it.
Sulfates did you mean phosphates?.. can be urine pH also.
The kidneys should not be dumping either protein or sugar, even trace. She recommends ultrasound of the kidneys.
Phil, how is Baron doing. Btw, love his picture… soft spot always for the red and whites.