I was living in Ghana for a few years and the year before I left had gotten my dog as a puppy from a neighbor. We became so attached, of course, that I couldn't leave him behind. It actually was very easy to bring a dog into the country–only a proof of rabies vaccination was required (surprising since the US has the strictest immigration laws for people!). He has adjusted very well, loves taking walks with a leash (in ghana he would run wild, and follow me around on my bicycle.) He refuses to walk in wet grass, though, which is something I think he shares with basenjis? I didn't post any pictures of how his forehead wrinkles--that's when he looks most like a basenji!
Matching pillows for the dogs
SOme people buy their pets matching their interior but we buy pillows matching our dogs
What are you doing? there goes my tough image
well, whatever >>sigh<<
YEAH pink for me, the princess , I need to wash myself up first, I cant go on the picture like this! :mad:
Sjips, is that on picture? :o
I dont want to have anything to do with this ( I will shred the pillow afterwards though )
Well what do you expect else with a dog named Solar? :p
Yes I will lay down next to it, will you go away now ?
Why is this one for me???
Little head, weird eye and wings??? ohhh
Funny pictures and captions..
Nice pictures Marianne!!!
I like the one with Cy and crazy smitthy