Pug Puppies Arriving Anyday
More pics!! Taken on my phone so terrible quality…
My DeeDee:
And my mums boy, she's named him Vinnie lol! (his show name will be "Invincible" - Michael Jackson theme lol)
And snuggly babies again. We've had to take this bed away, they love it but they are growing so fast they dont fit in it at all now lol Buying them the next size up this weekend!
Simply adorable..especially the second pic of Michael and the alst pick of them all sleeping..too cute..
OMG! They are so round and adorable! It's almost like you can see their personalities from the photos…
Im sure they are getting cuter and cuter, my fave pics are the top one of Michael, the Black lab looks like its hiding :) Also love the one were the pups are all in their bed.
Maya, maybe you have already told us, but I don't remember so I am asking again..are you keeping any of them?
It would be really hard for me to not keep at least one..they are the cutest little things, I love the second pic with the two pups coming towards the camera with their mouths in attack mode..and the third from the bottom, how cute, with all those little puppy rolls..shoot, I love 'em all. -
I dont blame you keeping them all, they are so cute:)
"Maya's Zoo", perhaps? ;) You could charge admission for all of those adorable and beautiful animals!!!:)
I am in love with these little roly-poly pups!!
Absolutely adorable. I think they did good.
Absolutely adorable. I think they did good.
You didnt see all the "outtakes" :rolleyes:
They all really enjoyed it actually, but they are SO tiny and fast we were paranoid they'd charge off the edge of the table mid-wriggle :p