Yes, it is recommended that all basenjis worldwide register with the Canine Phenome Project and that owners update the information as their dogs age. The information that is gathered from the CPP, is one of the sources BCOA has to keep track of what may be developing issues in the breed or where we may need to collect more data. The more people that participate and accurately report the statistics on their dog the better the picture we have of where the breed stands.
I just sent Otis Fanconi test in …
…how long would one have to wait before answers might come back? I realize there might be no telling, but ballpark might be up for grabs?
Tomorrow we are going in for his CERF.. -
Good luck with the results…
Usually 3 to 4 weeks depending on how many tests they have to run.
I got mine pretty fast. They got the DNA sample on 6/5 and results showed up on there site for him on 6/11.
Wow that is fast Dan, but either way I can wait 3-4 weeks, maybe even 5 ..LOL. His parents are both clear, I am doingthis for peace of mind as well as one more dog tested theory..the more in the system the better.