I had a spinal injury a few years ago and the surgeon warned me of permanent nerve damage causing incontinence being a potential consequence if it got worse. It's called "cauda equina syndrome", I did a quick search and it looks like it occurs in dogs too. Essentially you lose all nerve feeling on your bowel, hence not knowing when you need to go. I'm not sure what the solution is (if any) but it could be a clue.
Cyst to be evaluated
Maybe I'm jumping the gun, since I have not gotten the results back yet, but my 10yr old boy had what we thought was a fatty cyst (2 different vets determined this). He got into a fight with my 8yr old female & this area got infected. Vet proceeded to drain the abcess & removed some of the cyst which he sent to pathology since it was various dark colors of pink/flesh. I saw it in the specimen bottle. He says fatty cysts are usually white so he thinks now it may have been a tumor. He was not able to remove all of it. Does anyone have any experience with dark colored cysts thought to be fatty cysts??
Poor baby has a 4" incision with drain but he's getting a lot of love from me!