So being out of the country for a few years - I just stumbled upon AB1634.. and found my jaw dropping.. they can't possibly be serious?? Clearly the benefits are there - but it seems to be a massive breach of privacy. I'm from the Bay Area - so all you fellow CA breeders what do you think about this? If this passes will you relocate? or attempt to obtain the seemingly elusive permit they are offering?
It is being heard on June 25th and there is a planned rally on that day. We continue to voice our opposition to this bad law. It does not address the real reason that dogs end up in shelters and will not stem demand for puppies. People will just turn to the internet and pet stores that sell puppies for their purebred dogs and of course those who currently break the licensing laws will continue to break the law and have unplanned puppies. The only ones that are affected by this law are the California tax payers and law abiding citizens.
So being out of the country for a few years - I just stumbled upon AB1634.. and found my jaw dropping.. they can't possibly be serious?? Clearly the benefits are there - but it seems to be a massive breach of privacy. I'm from the Bay Area - so all you fellow CA breeders what do you think about this? If this passes will you relocate? or attempt to obtain the seemingly elusive permit they are offering?
And the exact same proposal is showing up in other states and particularly in cities and counties. AZ is one and it is word for word Ca AB1634, just the state is changed. Also this has been passed in many a city already in California. We have been fighting this for the last 2 yrs…
And IMO there is NOT one benefit period...
There are some other threads on this, here is one