It's been quite a bit since I've had time to post (don't really have time now, but I prefer procrastinating my class work). I'm just getting a bit concered with Charlie.
I figured when I adopted him at 7 weeks that he would have issues trusting people, since him and his 6 siblings were dropped off and put into an unfamiliar kennel. He warmed up a little to me and my family over the first few weeks, but now he's 8 months old and he still seems rather independant.
Charlie gets along great with our two lab mixes, and he even attempts to play with out 14 year old, arthritic and grouchy papillion mix, but with humans, it's like he wants very little to do with them.
He'll cuddle in bed at night, whine a bit when I leave for classes, and run up and greet someone with a wagging tail, but other then that, he tends to avoid everyone.
It also worries me for when I move out in a few years. I won't have any other dog with me, and most likely, won't get another one for a few years after I move out. I'm afraid he'll get depressed or something serious because of this.
It doesn't come off as typical behavior from what I've read here, but has anyone ever had a B like this? Or does anyone have any advice to help me bond better with him? I take him on walks, just the two of us, and I play a little with him when he is actually in the mood, but I'm at a loss of what else I can do.