Strip test positive for my boy!!
Sometimes when caught early the dog will spill intermittently so will test positive, then negative, then positive but usually will begin to spill consistently at some point. If your boy tested positive, even once, then the next step is to find a vet who can run blood gases so you can confirm it is Fanconi Syndrome and get your boy started on the Protocol.
It is very, very important that you now have blood gases done… as Lisa said it is very often that very early on they might spill one and not the next two.. but bottom line is that they spilled. Please "rush" to find a vet that does blood gases, take the protocol to your Vet and if there are any question, you and/or your Vet can contact Dr. Gonto also. There is also a Fanconi list that you can join that is only for people with affected dogs... Stormie's Mom can help you there... I am pretty sure she is on there...
Also be sure that you let your breeder know....
oh boy this stinks - i will call my vet at lunch time then - i actually got him from BRAT so i am not sure - so even if he tests negative you still think i should take him as long as i know the strips are good - i just got them and used them for a couple of months so they should be
also is it going to hurt him? is it a blood test?? or ???
Even if he tests negative… due to the fact that he tested once positive and you know the strips are good, you need to have the blood gases done... and yes it is a blood test... price varies... so I can't really say... however most Vets offices to not usually have a blood gases machine... and usually have to refer you out to a clinic that has one. And you need to be sure your Vet understands about Fanconi and DO NOT let him/her say that blood gases are not necessary...
Good luck and the good news is that you have caught it early... again to... remember, Dr. Gonto is always available to talk to you and/or your Vet.
heard back from my vet that says he wouldn't jump to the gas test yet that he want me to bring him in for first some general blood work and an exam before we jump to the blood gases - does that make sense - i feel like i am at the mercy of the doctor and don't want to do anything wrong for the guy
If the strips were good and he tested positive for sugar even once, then the next step is blood gases. The only thing that your doctor can rule out with another blood test is diabetes. The quicker you can have the blood gases run and your boy started on the Protocol the better for his kidney function. If you have any questions, please contact Dr Gonto, he can talk to your vet about why it is so essential to get the blood gases run.
heard back from my vet that says he wouldn't jump to the gas test yet that he want me to bring him in for first some general blood work and an exam before we jump to the blood gases - does that make sense - i feel like i am at the mercy of the doctor and don't want to do anything wrong for the guy
Nope…you need to run a blood gas ASAP to find out what his levels are. If your vet is offended by that suggestion, you may need to look into another vet. Lots of vets have little or no experience with Fanconi....some are unwilling to take advice from a bunch of non-vets. But really, this is the next step.
heard back from my vet that says he wouldn't jump to the gas test yet that he want me to bring him in for first some general blood work and an exam before we jump to the blood gases - does that make sense - i feel like i am at the mercy of the doctor and don't want to do anything wrong for the guy
You are NOT at the mercy… no that doesn't make sense... if your Vet is not agreeable to the blood gases, you need to find another Vet.. remember it is your dog, your money... your call. Blood Gases are a blood test and they are very important... Again, is you Vet familar with Fanconi? Is he/she willing to call and talk to Dr. Gonto?
heard back from my vet that says he wouldn't jump to the gas test yet that he want me to bring him in for first some general blood work and an exam before we jump to the blood gases - does that make sense - i feel like i am at the mercy of the doctor and don't want to do anything wrong for the guy
Also a little story for you and others about Vets… A very good friend's Basenji started spilling. She called me and I said the same, blood gases... she then talked to her Vet and was "read" the riot act on how "she" was the Vet, What good are blood gases, I never heard of the Protocol" and my friend called me in tears.... wanting to know what to do... I told her she can do one of two things, get a new Vet or ask her Vet to call Dr. Gonto and talk to him about Fanconi and the reason that Blood gases are so very necessary... Her Vet (much to the Vet's credited) called Dr. Gonto, she then called my friend and said "So, lets get those blood gases scheduled and done asap!"
When Stormie began spilling sugar, he also was intermittent. In the afternoon it showed up, that evening, it was slight, the next morning almost nothing - but he has Fanconi. Luckily I have found an incredible vet who scheduled the blood gas tests right away.
The good news out of all this is that you've caught it early! Kudos to you for strip testing!!!! And the earlier you catch it, the less damage is done and the better the outlook for the dog.
I agree with everyone so far, if your vet is unwilling to listen to you, find a new one who will…many (((((hugs)))) to you and your furkid!!!
Lorraine and Stormie -
I forgot to mention in my previous post - the blood gas tests themselves aren't very expensive. My vet clinic charges $45. Initially blood work will also be done to determine other values (ie: potassium etc.). That gets a little more pricey, but it's not done as often as blood gas tests are.
More ((((hugs))))) -
Tewwi22, I understand how scary and overwhelming this feels for you right now. I think I was in some stage of crying over Stormie's spilling sugar/diagnosis for a solid week. I promise you that it's not going to be as bad as you think it will - it changes your life much more than it changes your b's. I don't even think Stormie realizes he's "sick" - he just gets lots of treat pills everyday and trust me, that grubby guts is OK as long as there's food involved! grin. More hugs for you, because I know it sucks and it's scary, but it's managable - you and your furkid are going to be just fine. (((hugs)))
i read the protocol and it does say "once a working diagnosis has been made on the baseis of a positive urineurine glucose in the absense of elveated blood glucose" then to run the venous blood gas panel - i am hoping that is why my vet says to run the other blood test first but i am going to insist on the test when i get there or to have him tell me where i can get it done because he can't do it there - will call some animal hospitals -
i read the protocol and it does say "once a working diagnosis has been made on the baseis of a positive urineurine glucose in the absense of elveated blood glucose" then to run the venous blood gas panel - i am hoping that is why my vet says to run the other blood test first but i am going to insist on the test when i get there or to have him tell me where i can get it done because he can't do it there - will call some animal hospitals -
By the time he takes blood within a couple of hours he will have the results… chances of blood glucose being elevated is pretty slim, IMO... and you can still call and get an appointment set up. Does your Vet know about Fanconi and already have a copy of the protocol? And I would (if it were me) just start calling around to different larger clinics to see who has a blood gas machine.... and make an appointment. And Dr. Gonto will be more then happy to discuss the results and help develop the beginning treatment. Know however that you will most likely be doing blood gases every 6 months (I think that is correct) to see if the meds are correct.....