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Special tricks for potty???

Basenji Training
  • i just got my puppy yesterday, so i decided to buy a "pee stake" (a small spike you hammer in the ground to make you puppy use the bathroom) this didn't work, he saw this as a new toy to chew on :mad: … has anyone had any expirience on these? did it work?:confused:

  • I have never used one (and not really heard of it either) and think that all things like that are just a gimmick to get people to spend money.

  • I just give my puppies a tiny cookie and LOTS of "good potty!!" praise for going in the right place.

    A quick, "NO", and move them to the right spot if I catch 'em going elsewhere.
    A quick and quiet clean-up if I find it after the fact.

    No gimmicks, no props, no money spent.
    Hmmm, a lot like potty training my kids. . . except they didn't get a cookie, LOL.

  • I did the same as jazzysmom. Except I gave my son a treat too!:p

    I have never heard of a pee stake.

    I wanted to add that you can only discipline them if you catch them in the act. So never leave him out of your sight.

  • I've seen the "Pee Stick" and even considered purchasing one but decided in the end not to.
    Honestly, Our B pees in the same spot all the time. He has a routine. He has to poop in this one spot and then run to this other spot to pee.

  • thanks so much for the help!!

  • We are training our new puppy and it reminded me of somehting I did somewhat by accident with our other 2 dogs. When we wer etrying to get them to go, we always give them a treat. At some point of frustration, I tried to get their attention and let them know we had a treat by shaking th etreat jar. Eventually, they associated the shaking sound with going potty, so with the new puppy, I started shaking the jar every time she was actually going. After just 10 days, I can shake the jar and it gets her attention and makes her pee usually, even when she is distracted and walking all around.

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