Senjishowgirl and Hondo,
I'd love to have my guys have some fun with other b's. Are there any dog parks near you all? There are none by me. I'll be moving to Flint here soon for college so I'll check back to see what folks are up to in a few weeks.
I just relocated to Portland (from Seattle) and would love to meet up with other B owners. We can swap stories and perhaps get our Bs together for a play date. Drop me a line if you are interested.
I'm in the SE/Mt. Tabor area.
i may actually be moving there!!
Hi! I live just east of Portland in the Gresham area, I have 2 basenjis that would love a play date or to go on a walk or a hike sometime.
Hi, Libby! Drop me a line at ZenGrrrl (at) aol (dot) com and we'll see what we can arrange.
I sent you an email but did not get a response, if you didn't get it let me know.
Libby, it looks like the email didn't come through. Can you resend it to this address?
I originally sent it on December 15th, just re-sent coming from my gmail address.
I tried to start a topic but it didn't go through.
Anyone in louisiana with a Basenji?