Here are some of the results, and a little brag for myself, I showed Saturday's Winners Dog/Best of Winners for my very, very close friend, Parry Tallmadge…
BOB, BOW, WD (5pt major) Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind, Julie and Kathy Jones
BOS - Ch Jasiri-Sukari Just Sprite, JC, Julie and Kathy Jones
WB - Arubmec's I will Survive, (4pt major) Tina Sterett, Conrad K Fanchi, P.Cembura
One of the awards of merit was
Ch Jokuba-Kazor's The Way I Am, Terri Gavalete & Kelly Shane
Sorry, I didn't bring my catalog home since we have all breed shows tomorrow and Monday and don't remember who was reserve winners.
BOB - Ch Zuri's Mugabe, JC (from the 7-10 Veteran Class _K&M Leighton and D. Troyna
BOS - Ch Emerant's The Navigator - Lisa Hart & Bryce Hart
BOW & Winners Dog - (5pt Major) - Ankhu Rugosa Semper Fi To VP - Parry Tallmadge
Reserve Winners Dog - FC Zuri's Lagat, SC - K&M Leighton, D. Troyne
Winners Bitch - (5pt major and New Champion) - Bushbabies Red Marsh Sweet Tea - Terri Gavaletz & Kelly Shane
Reserve Winners Bitch - Zuri's Princess Tadukhipa of Mitanni, Vanessa Schuetz, D. Troyna
Awards of Merit - Ch 'Tis-A Arruga's Indiana Bones, JC J&D Haws & J&F Hughes
Ch Arubmec's Crocodile Rock, JC - Pat Cembura
I will try and post sweeps later (Saturday only)