How many spots at the milk bar?
Rally has 8 but only 7 get milk. Rio looks like she will be like her mom 6 should definitely be functional and I think the 7th too but there is 1 I don't think will get milk. Neither Rally or Rio are symmetrical in their nipple placement.
Sophie has 8 perfectly symetrical nipples that all look like the will get milk. She gets milk in the rear ones during her false pregnancies already.
My Fatia has 9… one is inverted and thought to be not usable... however, when we bred her, she did get milk in that one and they were able to nurse... of course it was only a litter of 4, so it was not really needed.... even if they have 10 nipples and all are "working"... after the first couple of days, need to supplement the pups because the bitch really can't supply for that many without really dragging herself down to skin and bones...... I know that many people that have multi litters, if one litter is small, they will try and change off pups to the bitch with a lower number of pups...
It took me a little while to realize that dogs weren't always symmetrical. I thought for the first day or so after Medjai's hernia repair/neuter, that they messed up and shaved one off. It wasn't a big issue because he won't be needing them for anything, but it was a little shock, because I hadn't noticed it before.
Hey, Did Medjai get his Christmas buddy gift? I never heard if he did or not. Hope he liked it!