Breeding Plans
Sugar at 51 days. She's lost her tuck up, but that's about it. Unfortunately, I can't add a picture!
Are you going to have her xrayed? It is always good to know how many you are expecting, especially if there are problems…
She looks pretty small (hard to tell in that picture) for 51 days... but some maiden bitches don't get to big. You should really start to see a big change in the next week ...
Just started feeling the moving, Lisa. She is very firm, but as said she is a maiden bitch.
Pat, I'm not going to have her x-rayed. I'm more concerned with her comfort that dragging her off to the vets and stressing her. She doesn't even like being put in the whelping area. Even though she'll sleep on the bed. It's day 58 and she's pretty well filled out. Her rib area has sprung wider and she's very full underneath. She is standing with her legs back and apart, so I know she has some puppies in there. I figure within the next 3 or 4 days she'll fill out further sideways. She seems to carry more downward than out. She had a great tuck up-very high and tight. She can't curl very well anymore either. I'll try to get a better pic within the next few days. With her first due date being the 24th, I still have a range as technically she could go up to Dec 31 without being late. Kero wasn't very interested in the last breeding though so I'm leaning towards the first or second due date.
I can hardly wait for photos of the pups.
Rally never showed much interest in her whelping box. The others in the house liked it quite a bit when the warming mat was turned on. She had no problem with it once the puppies were born but would pretty much just walk in turn around and leave until then.
Good luck with whelping it is a crazy day.
Lisa and Pat, I just added some updated photos of her belly here:
Lisa, how did you transfer the image? I've tried but can't figure it out.
I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.
I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.
Hmmm, This situation hadn't crossed my mind for my soon-to-be new girl. If you don't mind me asking, did you discuss with your breeder at the time you got your girl that he/she might want to consider breeding her in the future? Is your dog co-owned with the breeder and was the possibility of breeding spelled out in the contract? If it works out I'm planning to show the new girl I'm getting this year but I was figuring she would be spayed right after she is done showing. I hadn't really thought of the possibility that the breeder would want to breed her (don't imagine that is likely but haven't asked). Something to add to my list of questions….
Nemo, All of this was indeed discussed at the time I bought my puppy. I am showing her and she is co-owned by me and the breeder. The breeder will choose the stud and then take her pick when the litter is born. She has been great with guiding me when she can, and when she cannot, she has another person who has been a tremendous help to me. I am in no position at this time to choose studs or anything like that as I have just returned to the breed and showing in the last year so thank goodness for experienced reputable breeders!! I have no written contract. Everything is verbal.
I think that it is great that you have discussed all this with your breeder, Kebasmom.. but a word from the wise… you really want it written... even with a pet puppy with no "designs" for showing and breeding a contract is really an important thing... Not that it would or does solve all problems ... however it makes it very clear what each person (breeder and buyer) are thinking or expecting.