Filling out the entry form
I just printed the premium and looked at it. I don't even see anything that says "open". Under the groups breeds and judges section it just says Basenjis. I'm actually going to try a puppy and a novice dog. Pretty ambitious, huh? What have I got to lose besides 50 bucks and some pride. Who knows maybe I'll be the one everyone whispers and laughs about… I have been going to handling classes with both of them though.
Oh and entering in puppy class is enough to let everyone including the judge know that you are showing puppy.. and if you are worried about showing yourself… just tell the judge you are new at this... they should be very kind and help you out... if they don't... don't ever give that judge another entry
As long as he has never won a ribbon in any other class, he can be entered in Novice. It is just that most judges don't really give a serious look at those dogs, so it is very rarely used. If you already sent in your entries and he meets the requirements for the Novice class then you could just leave it as it is. There is no real reason he can not be in that class if this is his first show. Or you could contact the superintendent if the closing date has not passed and change the entry to Open.
Well it looks like I'll probably be the only one in the novice class. It was too late to change the entry. The super said that it is indeed a valid class and suggested that I do it anyway. I'm thinking that if I really am the only one that I will let the judge off and just not do it. What do you think? Chalk one up for experience?
Well it looks like I'll probably be the only one in the novice class. It was too late to change the entry. The super said that it is indeed a valid class and suggested that I do it anyway. I'm thinking that if I really am the only one that I will let the judge off and just not do it. What do you think? Chalk one up for experience?
I agree with Lisa, you paid your money.. show and get the experience… can't hurt and you never know what might happen.... I say go for it!
Good Luck!! I think not having anyone else in the class might help with your reintroduction to the ring. You won't have to worry about being too close behind or having someone too close to you. You can just focus on your dog.