Some pics
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 04:18 last edited by
How many did they get total just those 2? All the pictures are great they look soo sweet and happy .. The pups in the africa pictures dont look so happy they mostly have there ears down :(
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 11:42 last edited by
From what I understood in Mia´s story from Kongo there were 6 pup´s that came to the US and 2 of them are now leaving to scandinavia.It also said that these dog´s are accustomed to show submissiveness when a human approaches and therefor they had to be quick if they wanted a photo of them with their tails and ears up.
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:24 last edited by
They did bring back six in total…...4 here in the US and the two that will be in Finland soon.
They have the nicest feet, especially the red female(Gali). They look very much like cat paws, she reminds me of a lanky big cat.I think my young pack is really going to miss them, it's amazing how they've just accepted them. Willy just loves them and he'll be lost without them for a few days. I think our females really enjoy having some pups can see that they really enjoy the extra activity in the pack they supervise.
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:38 last edited by
So does this mean you're going to add two pups to your pack this year? ;)
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:39 last edited by
Yes and how they have thrived in your care their coats glisten and they are so cúddly and have gained so much confidence not having to squabble over food and care.I spit my coffee when I read about Gali and the bell incident ….LOL
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:43 last edited by
So does this mean you're going to add two pups to your pack this year? ;)
I've not said much about it, but we do have a pup coming sometime in April.:eek: :eek: This one will stay.:D
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:47 last edited by
Really? How exciting! Where is the pup coming from?
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:49 last edited by
A tricolor basenji pup?
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:56 last edited by
A tricolor basenji pup?
Sadly no.:( I guess Asuma is as close as I get for now. It will be either a red or a black…....we don't know just yet. We where added to this litter plan list kind of late and we get the puppy that is left after the others are choosen.
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 12:59 last edited by
Really? How exciting! Where is the pup coming from?
New England….....I'll have more info once we know which pup we're getting.:)
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 13:03 last edited by
Definitely keep us updated & when you get those pics, well…you know how we are with puppy pics ;)
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 13:06 last edited by
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 13:13 last edited by
Is the little tri's tail curling yet?
If they could bottle his markings that would be fantastic!!
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 13:21 last edited by
Is the little tri's tail curling yet?
If they could bottle his markings that would be fantastic!!
Her's curls more than his, his does lay over, but not near as much as her's.
When they chase him they always grab for his tail, he'll learn to get that thing up there.:D :D
wrote on 13 Mar 2008, 14:39 last edited by
Aw, I don't like good byes either.:( Please wish them safe travels and give them hugs from me!
Here's one for you, BBoy and family! ((Hug));) -
wrote on 14 Mar 2008, 13:15 last edited by
When they chase him they always grab for his tail, he'll learn to get that thing up there.
That's not FAIR :( ha ha ha :D :D poor little guy needs to watch out before he loses it :eek:
wrote on 14 Mar 2008, 16:06 last edited by
That's not FAIR :( ha ha ha :D :D poor little guy needs to watch out before he loses it :eek:
He may be small, but he's mighty and relentless when he get's mad.:D
Being this is the last weekend with them, I'm going on a picture fest!:D
wrote on 17 Mar 2008, 13:55 last edited by
wrote on 17 Mar 2008, 14:04 last edited by
How sweet :) are they going to miss their yard bed?? :( Will you send one with them as a memory of B Park?? :D
wrote on 17 Mar 2008, 16:04 last edited by
How sweet :) are they going to miss their yard bed?? :( Will you send one with them as a memory of B Park?? :D
They're limited in what they can take on the plane with them…...we will send all of the toy's they've aquired since they've been with us, a Basenji Park tee shirt each and BP refrigerator magnets.:D
More pictures listed on Mia's site. Click on the word "Bilder" underneath picture for additional pics.