BRAT question
It varies, senji. Be patient, and don't be scared to resend an email if you think it's taken an abnormal amount of time. They may be trying to find somebody in the area to do a "home visit". That has to be done first. After that is done, everything goes faster.
Hi Senji,
We got our Bella from BRAT and it took, all totaled, about three to four weeks for us to get her. I know it seems like forever but it is sooooo worth it when things work out. They really want to be thorough to make sure they put the right dog in the right home – but I feel your pain!!!!!!
Ohhh,,,,yes,,,,,,,email to see if they got it,,,,,,,on the B's we have applied for they usually sent an email letting us know that they recieved our request within a day or two of us submitting the adoption form,,,,,,,,,,good luck,,,,,and BTW I looked at Lizzie online and she is beautiful!!!!
I tried for a couple of BRATs earlier this year. After a week and a half or so, I'd get an email that said they got my email. But that was it. I applied for dogs in different states - and they really want local applicants, especially when you have another dog in your home already. They want to make sure the two will mesh… I always thought it took longer than it should. I suppose if it's meant to be, it will work out. But I sought out other arenas-- I used Petfinder and this forum (thanks to BasenjiBoy) to locate my rescue Miles in a shelter in Pennsylvania. You can always check out breeders who might have non-puppies who are available. What are you looking for? Girl? Boy? Young? Old? Color? In any case, I feel your pain! GOOOOOOD LUCK, there's one lucky dog just waiting for your family to come along and adopt!! :)
Thanks for all the ideas I actually did contact the shelter about Tigger.. I'm about 35 minutes from them but they said they only adopt in their community. What I'm looking for is a female, i think that would be best for our boy. I'm also ok with just about any age I figured if I could help a slightly older girl that would be good. I do have kids girls 6 and 10..but they know Bs and respect them. Deke doesn't put up with too much. He doesn't like many other kids just his, well I mean mine. HA HA I figure it will happen when its ment to. We are kind of busy until the end of October so maybe it's for the best. Thanks again..I love this forum..everyone is great!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, he is BEAUTIFUL!! I talked to a BRAT person today (via email) to make sure they knew about him. They asked if we would go visit him. Of course we said yes but we live three hours away–so if you know anyone in the Canton Ohio area who may be able to check him out they should get in contact with a BRAT volunteer. Otherwise it looks like a road trip for us pretty soon!!!
Hi Senji,
Some coordinators respond more promptly than others. It can depend too on how many applicants there are for a particular basenji. With an older dog there usually are not too many but when a coordinator has several dogs posted at the same time, or even just two or three, it can be time consuming to keep up with the correspondance.
Please write to me privately if you are still left hanging and I will follow up to see what the status is regarding your app and Lizzie's placement.
I help with BRAT and we really do try to be prompt with contacting new aps.
Sometimes we are out of town, but I try to at least drop a note saying I will be in touch with them when I am back in town.
Fingers crossed, you will hear from someone soon.
Do let us know how it goes.
When you get your basenji, send photos!