Can anyone please explain this to me
No they did not give any more info. Hmmm I'm wondering if I should think about this more. Maybe we'll contact them since they are in NY and find out more info as far as if she would be good with Champ.
I just sent them an e-mail and asked if she might be a good addition to our family. We'll see maybe she can show Champ how to relax
Wow already received a reply. They told me that she gets along very well with males and they don't see a problem with the age difference. I will speak to them over the phone later on tonight.
O.k so does anyone have real life experience with bringing an older lady into the home already occupied by a young terror?
No they did not give any more info. Hmmm I'm wondering if I should think about this more. Maybe we'll contact them since they are in NY and find out more info as far as if she would be good with Champ.
You should try and find out "who" the breeder is… and make sure if this is not the person trying to place her that they were notified
She actually through BRAT
She actually through BRAT
OK, thanks… that means that if they knew the breeder, typically they would have advised them