I posted this in another thread, but i thought it would be a good idea to start my own for some advice and explaination. Jacks a rescued full blood basenji male (nutered), and makes a great watchdog. But im worried because he is DEFINALTY racist. all non-white people who come around (mainly male) get a feirce warning (growling/hair standing on end) and sometimes even a nip (or he tries his darnedest to). Even the kids who cut thru my yard. The white children are ok but when two black children cut thru he went for them AND I Was right THERE!! i mean it wasnt vishious, BUT definatly weird. he rounded them up and had one by the arm of his coat and then just Looked at me like "ok what next??" OHH did he get in trouble!! I feel bad. it MUST be something with his past owner or whatever. but even in groups of people that we have over, he'll pick out everyone who isnt white and watch them closely! (im sure if anyone make any sudden movments towards me they would get bit!!) Whats with you JACK!!??:eek:**

  • We have a friend with a mutt that is also racist, as much as a dog can be racist. He doesn't like anyone who isn't white, and it's a problem because our friend has many friends of a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

    He was a rescue, though, and they have no idea what happened in his past. Maybe a previous abusive owner was a person of color, and a white person rescued? Who knows? Who ever knows what goes on in the mind of a dog?

    It is sad though, because people who don't know our friends tend to think that they have trained the dog to be that way. Doesn't do over well with a lot of people.

  • This is not uncommon in dogs that were not well socialized as puppies. If the dog was only ever around white people then he will think any one who is not white is something different. My obedience instructor had a rescue that was the same way, he had been born on a farm and lived tied in their yard the first year. The only people he had ever seen were white and so he barked at every non-white person he met. She tells every puppy class this and tells them how important it is to socialize your puppy with all ethnic groups to prevent the later embarassment of having a "racist" dog.

  • Dogs are often concerned about things they don't cosider normal. This includes headgear, glasses, wheelchairs, etc. Try to bring him around unusual things more often. It's called desensitizing.

  • Our's seem to just like Basenji's. I don't know if that's racist or not.:D

  • I've found that most B's will tolerate other B's, but other breeds are sometimes a problem. In my house most white dogs and Boxer's are okay, and even Bassett's, because my B's see them often.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I've found that most B's will tolerate other B's, but other breeds are sometimes a problem. In my house most white dogs and Boxer's are okay, and even Bassett's, because my B's see them often.

    Our's are ok with the mutt we have, but where raised with her. We where commenting on this very thing at the Fun match last weekend. Max hates most other dogs especially if they're bigger than him. I was suprised how he was around all those fellow B's.

  • I dont think he has much a problem with different looking dogs…he hates non nutered males tho...yet again, i cant explain why. I am pretty sure his problem with people has to do with his past owner...I have been trying to get Jack to interact with all kinds of people and he seems to do well, after time. but i DO get embarrassed when he acts this way because im SURE some people think i teach him to act that way. All i can ever say is..."Im soooooo sorry, i have NO idea what his deal is today" and hope he doesnt REALLY cause us proplems and start getting vishious about it. im just going to have to keep up with him and train him to get over it. at least im AM seein improvement!!!

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I've found that most B's will tolerate other B's, but other breeds are sometimes a problem. In my house most white dogs and Boxer's are okay, and even Bassett's, because my B's see them often.

    Totally opposite from mine, they much perfer any other breeds then other Basenjis…GGGG

  • Jazzy HATES ALL dogs that aren't Basenjis – except Gypsy.

    Keoki, I don't know about yet, but his first response to a neighbor's dog was to bristle and growl. He hasn't seen other B's yet since leaving Bryan's place so I am curious to see how he responds to them. He should see some in August.

  • While a sensitive topic, very interesting convo we have here 🙂

    My sense is that it's very much a socialization issue as well. If you & your dog lived in a warm climate they wouldn't recognize people in large parks with scarves & hats & gloves & they may have a reaction to that.

    I didn't think though that dogs could see color the way we do…I know for sure they can decipher through forms, shapes, scents but I'm not sure about skin color though.

    Or perhaps the other reason could just be that the previous owner reacted differently to people of color...the same way that sometimes single females will have a reaction while walking alone at night & a man approaches. She may be just a little bit jumpy. A lot of people initially feel intimidated by husband without him saying a word simply because he's just so large :eek: :eek: 6'5 dark complexion, who would know that he wouldn't hurt a fly & is actually pretty soft spoken & definitely the calmer one of the pack LOL 😃

    Topaz definitely took her time getting to know him...she clung to me first. C3PO was like a magnet to him 😃

    AND yes my dogs are racist too!!! They hate anything non-basenji!

  • Most people agree they can see shades of grey. So a red hat would have a different hue than a green hat. It would be the same with people-shades of grey.

  • My Buddy (not basenji) does not like anyone outside of his few favorite people who is wearing black. My brother lives with us all summer, he wears black all the time and Buddy has yet to warm up to him. He's fine with anyone as long as you're not wearing black.
    Corky loves EVERYONE. 🙂

  • All of the Bs I've had (3 total) were ok with all different types of people except for those with disabilities where they were either in wheel chairs or it affected how they walked. So that gets embarassing when we're on walks and my Bs go into "defense mode." This happens if we pass someone who even just has a slight limp. The male I have now (Tyler) also can't stand little furry dogs. He does much better with large, shorthaired dogs. Does anyone know why this is? Does he see the little dogs as more like prey?

  • @MaxBooBooBear:

    The male I have now (Tyler) also can't stand little furry dogs. He does much better with large, shorthaired dogs. Does anyone know why this is? Does he see the little dogs as more like prey?

    OMG Jackers LOVES little critters like squirrels, he chases them (I'm sure he'd attack them if he could) and our neighbors have a couple of Chihuahuas, and the one with longer fur…well, Jack thinks hes a squirrel! and attempts to get him! I definatly think Jack sees them as prey... poor things. lol

  • @jys1011:

    I didn't think though that dogs could see color the way we do…I know for sure they can decipher through forms, shapes, scents but I'm not sure about skin color though.

    It is an interesting topic. I've read some early accounts of Basenji's in Africa on the Africa Stock Project OnLine library that the visitor claimed the Basenji's in the villages where afraid of white people. Now that may be that persons opinion. They may have been afraid of them whether they were white or non white, they were strangers to them.

    I think they get used to whomever they grow up around and more specifically who feeds them….....do they see skin color????.......don't know.

  • I Even if they only see black and white or shades of gray, etc. There will be a depth of light/darkness difference, and they certainly can see that.

  • I wonder too, if it is a distinct smell that certain people give off that somehow is a connection as to why they respond differently to different races…

  • Actually, I had a boxer who hated, absolutely hated black coloured dogs, and Jack Russells. The only time he would ever break a command was for a Jack Russell.

  • Be a bit planfull if you can and elist some non-white friends to help out. First on the day before you are doing this - don't feed your dog - the next day make sure that ONLY the non-white people have food in their hand. No talk, no coaxing - just sit around and visit with their hands in front with wonderful treat.

    You may have to do this a couple of times - but they need to associate nice things with what they react too.

    Good luck

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