Cosmo posing proudly in her new Ruffwear harness. This is size small, feels super comfy, and she fits quite snugly in it. She loves walking in it (and so do I)! She's definitely got better clothes than me.
He can run off-leash allmost everywhere here. Most days I don't need his leash at all. Only have to watch for foxes. He really hates those and will go after them untill he gets them.
Good thing is he has an excellent recall. And he is allways watching me, wont go further away from me then 50 meters. So walking him isn't a problem at all (as long as no foxes cross our path that is…).
Wow! Definately ment to be…. Are you going to visit her brother once in a while?
We'll definately be getting together for play dates. Mya will have to endure their terrier attitudes though. I'm sure she can handle her own!
LOL ! of courseeee!!!! when doesn't rocky make those devil noises!? i really think he is a little demon. lol
One of these days I am going to have to tape the sounds she makes. It cracks me up! A little scary for other people, my mother-in-law was scared of her the first time she did it. Anymore I just tell her no and knock it off and she normally does!