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Basenji's in Edmonton, Alberta??

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • Hi there, I was just curious if there are any other B's where I live. Write me a note if there are. I have never ever seen any others and most people don't know this type of dog in my area.


  • We live on the south side. I know Pam still has a red female on the west side, and I've seen a red male on the north. I think Blaze is the most well known… all the vets and boarding kennels know him and refuse to board him...

  • oh dear! What a reputation. hehe.

    Nice to hear of another B owner in Edmonton. Nulla is our first and we will never go back!! She is absolutely perfect. haha

  • Where did you get her from? I'm trying to convince the hubby that we need another one, but he keeps saying that thay are too far away, or other excuses… grrrr But Blaze is my geezer pup.

  • I saw another two today. A black female and a red male in the southeast. I got the guy's e-mail address and am hoping to find out the breeder. They were beautiful.

  • Oh oops! I haven't been on here in forever! We got Nulla from a breeder in Lethbridge. There are two breeders that we have found in Alberta. She is amazing! She is a little smaller than some I have seen being 17 pounds at 9 and a half months. A lady asked me today if she was spayed because she said she would make beautiful babies. Too bad she is!
    We liked our breeder. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck! When we move into a bigger house, we are definately going to get another one.

  • Oh oops! I haven't been on here in forever! We got Nulla from a breeder in Lethbridge. There are two breeders that we have found in Alberta. She is amazing! She is a little smaller than some I have seen being 17 pounds at 9 and a half months. A lady asked me today if she was spayed because she said she would make beautiful babies. Too bad she is!
    We liked our breeder. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck! When we move into a bigger house, we are definately going to get another one.

  • I don't know what happened. I only posted once and it came up like this!

  • There are a few people out there. One of our new directors for the BCOC is Bob Ruddy. I know there are a few more members in Alberta, but not a lot.

  • I live DT and have a 5 year old black and white girl and a four yearl old boy.

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