B Mix in Orange County, CA
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 00:23 last edited by
I know nothing about this dog or its availability but here is the website:
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 00:36 last edited by
Did someone contact Medfly?
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 01:34 last edited by
Its hard to tell with photos, but what makes them think its a mix?
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 01:44 last edited by
He looks pure doesn't he Sharron ? I'm happy to jet a email down south, but I didn't want to be a double poster. Does BRAT or Medfly know about him Sharron ?
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 01:45 last edited by
I did send the site to BRAT. I am sorry, I don't know the Medfly site, or would have posted to them as well.
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 01:59 last edited by
they are near him… I thought it would sound better coming from one of the BRAT ppl.
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 13:49 last edited by
I sent a note to Karen. Hopefully, we will hear that someone has gone dog to get this dog.
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 15:40 last edited by
I am a noobie here.
My family and I are looking for a Basenji and called on this particular dog, I think either BRAT or someone else already got invloved because they told me the dog was not available either due to health concerns or a rescue had stepped in.
wrote on 8 Apr 2010, 22:32 last edited by
My understanding is that this dog might be a mix. Also there are some skin issues that are at issue. So, will let you know more when I find out.
BUT from what I heard, this dog can't be placed at this time.