Hi, I'm in the U.K. and we're surrounded by fields and meadows, where we walk daily. Winter, Spring and Summer up until August, Flash isn't bothered by the insects at all but it seems once late summer/harvest time hits, he becomes the biggest magnet for every biting insect in the area. He's 3 this winter and for the past 2 years, I've had no choice but to restrict him to pavement-only walks for a few weeks, until the temperature drops enough or it becomes wet enough for the insects to die down. A single walk can result in him being bitten enough to look like he has measles (pic attached). We've been heavily down the allergy route for environmental factors and without boring everyone with the detail, I can definitely say that the reaction he's having in the fields is not to do with allergies to grasses, crops etc. These are definitely bites. Unlike my JackRussell, I guess Flash just has a nice short, 'easy access' coat for the bitey things. My question is has anyone got a tried and tested (preferably natural ingredients) insect repellent recipe or brand they could recommend I try please. I've tried 10:1 ratio of water with citronella and a bit of baby oil as a carrier, as well as a spray from Amazon containing Cymbopogon Nardus,Mentha Piperita, Lavender Angustifolia, which seems to help a bit but just interested to know if anyone could help with other suggestions or ideas please as he loves his runs rather than the boring pavement!?
Effective Insect Repellent!1 Sept 2018, 14:25 -
Effective Insect Repellent!2 Sept 2018, 09:43@donc thanks for the reply :-) yep, I think it's pavement pounding for the next little while unfortunately. At least there'll be plenty for him to sniff still and it could be worse, it could last from Spring 'til Autumn I guess! He must be just super sensitive to a particular insect that appears this time year. x
Effective Insect Repellent!2 Sept 2018, 09:46@rocky1 ooh wow, poor girlie. Glad she's ok, that sounded nasty. I think because of the cyclical nature of it, Flash must just be very sensitive to an insect that appears this time of year, so hopefully after a few weeks, it'll be business as usual again but I'll have a look into the Natural Defense Spray you suggested, thank you :-)
Effective Insect Repellent!2 Sept 2018, 09:52@patty thanks so much for the suggestions :-) really appreciate that. I'll look into the Garlic Spray, although Flash is determined to try and lick off any repellent I put on him :face_with_rolling_eyes: , so would the garlic not pose a potential problem being ingested? The saving grace I have with the itching is that he has monthly Cytopoint jabs to 'turn off' the itch antibody (all to do with his environmental allergies), so thankfully, he doesn't actually appear to be too bothered by them on that front.....otherwise we'd have squealing hysterics I'm sure! He's not one to hide how he feels about anything lol! Thanks so much again :-)
Effective Insect Repellent!2 Sept 2018, 10:00@zande Thanks so much Sally. What you said about the other breeder having a dog that was only affected by something over the border makes sense, as with Flash it's definitely only for a specific few weeks, the same time of year every year that he's bothered, so he must just be sensitive to an insect that appears this time of year, the same as the dog you mentioned only being sensitive to a bug found over the border! Thankfully he doesn't actually seem too bothered by the bites in terms of itching (he's on Cytopint at the moment for environmental allergies so it 'turns off' the itch.....we did try him on Piriton first of all - and learned the same way as you not to mention it was for a dog! - but it sadly didn't seem to help him), which is a bonus and hopefully whatever the nasties are that he is sensitive to, will disappear in the next few weeks. Really appreciate your suggestions and reply, thank you.
Effective Insect Repellent!3 Sept 2018, 11:47@antigone thanks very much for the recommendations. I'll go and do some searching for the peppermint and eucalyptus oils.
The only reason I queried the garlic is because there seems to be so much conflicting info here in the U.K. as to it's toxicity for dogs. I always found it a godsend for the horses on lots of levels and I know many people use it for their dogs too but my vet says it's poisonous?! I'm guessing if it's used in low quantities like @Zande says for boiling treats up in etc then it's ok. So confusing, especially when you're stood in a dog supplies store and the owner is telling you it's toxic and yet sells it in tablet and liquid form lol! :person_facepalming_medium-light_skin_tone: I'd like to use it as it's such a great natural product....and as @zande says, if it keeps evil spirits away, surely insects can be no match! lol! If I'm cooking with it, it's a sure-fire way to get Flash in the kitchen with his little snout sniffing the air!!