@jengosmonkey TY for the reply. I usually do keep an eye on him and unfortunately I stepped in too late. It was my fault for not recognizing his posture. For whatever reason anytime this puppy has come to the park Moko has just been mean to him and I don't understand why. Other pups have come to the park with no other aggressive posture. I don't want to have to have to neuter him, and honestly I've heard that doesn't really help.

Basenji park habits with other dogs question -
Basenji park habits with other dogs questionI just had a situation today at the dog park, where my almost 4yr. old (uncut) male was playing rough and running hard with 2 dogs his size that he's known for along time for about 30 minutes with no issues. Then another puppy(6-8 months) small doodle comes in and my boy breaks contact with the other dogs and just goes at the back of his neck hard and the puppy screamed, and honestly it freaked me out. The owner was mad and his puppy was scared, I asked him to please check his dog for injuries as I told him I wanted to take care of it if his dog was injured. My dog had nipped this particular puppy before but not as aggressive as this time. My dogs prey drive is really strong but, I'm honestly not sure what I can do or if I should do anything about this. Been going to this off leash park since he was six months old and no other instances like this before.
Any ideas or feedback would be appreciated. -
Growling at my wifeI have a 3 1/2 year old male (Moko) who has started to growl at my wife, he does this when me and him are in my game room and she comes in, doesn't matter if he's asleep or awake but she will tell him to stop and pets him and no issues. Since he was a puppy he would always want to get between us when we hugged/kissed (weird), but I didn't think much of it. Well, last night he was asleep on the couch and she came to tell me GN and he again gave a low growl and she sternly told him to stop and this time his growling got louder. I immediately got up and in let him know this was a no, no and he seemed to calm down and went to my wife and put his paw on her and love on her. She sat down and he got in her lap to be pet. Has anyone of y'all had a similar experience? He doesn't do this all the time just every now and then.
Legs seizing upSo I wanted to give an update on Moko. So no issues found during his physical exam, he responded well to all tests given and the doctor thinks it could be petite mal seizures, blood sugar was normal. Told us to keep a diary of food, meds, and try to video if it happens again, take note of the length of the event. Gave us information about acupuncture/cold therapy. I also asked about Chiropractic adjustment and was told some patients reported good results but didn't seem to keen on it. Told me to make sure to verify if the person giving adjustments had proper training, was the person a DVM. In all honesty Moko does love to play rough and when he gets the zoomies he will launch himself into the couch, also loves to wrestle with others dogs at the park. Since his last episode he's only had walks in the neighborhood, and he's been driving me crazy. So last night I took him to the park to be off leash and he was super pumped to run and play with his dog park pack, he ran a lot. Thankfully no rough stuff and no issues since. Just a tired and happy basenji. I also was given the name of a neurologist to see if these episodes continue. When he's had these 2 episodes there was no loss of bladder control and he came to shortly after we just tried to calm him down. Thank you so much for the response's I really appreciate everyone's input.
Legs seizing upPat,
If my memory serves me correct, he hit the wall with is hips I believe. As for this morning I wasn't there and my wife only heard him jump off the bed so we aren't sure. The breeder and her vet tech daughter suggested a trip to the vet for a physical exam, also suggested Chiro-adjustment, but to wait and see what the vet says during the physical exam. As of right now he's resting comfortably at home in his favorite chair. I will inquire about acupuncture & cryotherapy. Thank you for the info, I will post more after his visit this afternoon.
Legs seizing upGood morning everyone, I have a question about legs seizing up. So about 6 weeks ago my boy Moko was sleeping and woke when I came in the front door. He immediately came running around the corner to greet me and he crashed into the wall and when he got to me his fell and couldn't get back up his legs seized up and he was very dazed and shaking. He eventually came to his sense's and was "normal". Well this morning he was asleep on the bed and my wife opened the front door to get the paper and heard him jump down from the bed, when she came in she expected to find him waiting at the door, but he was found laying on the floor again with back legs seized up and shaking. She calmed him down and he was able to get up, he immediately wanted to go outside and he threw up. Moko is 2 yrs.and 10 months old, I've spoken to the breeder and no other pups from same litter have had this issue. I'm taking to the vet now, just wanted to reach out here and see if anyone had any similar experience. Sorry for the long rambling post, a little shook up.
Brown rice versus White riceDoes anyone feed their B cooked rice daily? If so which is better brown or white rice?
Our first BasenjiHandsome boy 👍
Please help!I kept Moko in a crate right next to my bed, then slowly moved his crate against the wall, but still in my room so if he did cry I was close enough to let him know I was there. After a while he would go into crate at bedtime without much fuss. Eventually he got to sleep in the bed with me and now has option of that or his new bed next to ours, but still in my room.
Tries to Climb walls before she goes to bathroomMine paces very quickly/frantically until just the right spot has been found. Silly boy 😄
:,(Sorry to hear this sad news.
Dealing with mouth ulcers/gum inflammationMy breeder’s daughter is a vet tech and mentioned CUPS as well. Thanks for the links, I’ll read up on this. I’ll post more once I hear from my vet. My original concern when I posted was that he was throwing up after I gave him his antibiotics with food. I’ve contacted the vet and was told to stop the meds until I can get him back in to be looked at. I appreciate your response.
Dealing with mouth ulcers/gum inflammationYes, I am working with my vet as we speak. I was just reaching out to other basenji owners to hear there experience. I wasn’t planning treatment based on supposition and guess work.
Dealing with mouth ulcers/gum inflammationGood morning, my Moko wasn’t eating very well and we discovered he had gum inflammation and some mouth ulcers. Vet started him on antibiotics took them ok for a week,also started feeding him rice and wet food followed by his antibiotics which he took with no problems for a week. Well now when I give him his meds he throws everything up. I plan on calling vet this morning and see what they say, just thought I’d reach out to everyone here and see if anyone had any suggestions or similar situations.
Thanks. -
Winter ClothesWhere did you get that top? Is that a harness or some sort of fleece?
Vomiting white foam@2baroos
He does have access to grass, no cough though. The vomiting happened days apart. -
Vomiting white foamHas anyone had the basenji throw up a white foamy liquid? Moko has done this on 2 different occasions days apart this week. Both times were in the afternoon, he had eaten breakfast 3/4 cup dry Fromms mixed w/a couple to tbs. of Fromms wet. It’s not the yellow stomach bile from not eating. He seems fine afterwards, playful and willing to run when I take him outside. He’s 17 months old and hasn’t done this until this week. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated, thx.
Meet MokoUpdated photo of Moko just shy of 10 months
Meet Moko