@senjisilly no, it is not by medical reasons. We have a male basenji too and when she is coming in heat we have to separate them for at least a month. She is coming in heat 2 times a year. And I think is better for her just to avoid any eventual health problems with reproductive system.
Lia Eva
spaying 8 yo female -
spaying 8 yo femaleMy Angie is 8 yo and we have date for spaying her on 1 of March. I am worried because her liver enzymes are not in norm. The vet says he is going to use gas and medications that are easy and fast to eliminate. Please, share your experience and thoughts about this.
Montreal Basenji WantedYou can try to reach Amanda Moore - Heartbeat basenjis kennel. You can find her on FB with this name. They got two litters with 19 puppies curently. Good luck!
not coming in heat@debradownsouth Yes, I just want to know that everything is ok with her health. Their owners talked to the vet and got an appointment for this fall to be checked under sedation. Do you think that is necessary?
not coming in heatShe's 20 mo now. And her last season was in spring 2018. And yes, the first season was at 6-7 mo, as I remember, anyway she skipped to come in season last fall and this spring.
not coming in heat@donc She is our breed, we have her mother who is coming in season twice a year. She had normal first period at age of 8-9 months at fall time, then her second at spring time. Since then it's a year already she's not coming in heat again. And I am worried if this is normal?
not coming in heat@tanza She is our breed, we have her mother who is coming in season twice a year. She had normal first period at age of 8-9 months at fall time, then her second at spring time. Since then it's a year already she's not coming in heat again. And I am worried if this is normal?
not coming in heatHi all,
I would like to ask you about a 1y 6mo female who is not coming into season for a year now. She had a period two times and then skip to go in heat two times. I would appreciate any suggestions or sharing your experience on that. Thanking you in advance! -
high platelet and ALAT levels@debradownsouth I should add something interesting found in BCOA Health booklet.
When testing your basenji, TT4 and
FT4 must be analyzed in conjunction
with TSH. Basenjis typically have a
lower reference range for TT4 than other
breeds. Research conducted by the
University of Sydney found that basenjis
and some other sighthounds have lower
normal levels of TT4 than other dog
breeds (Seavers, A.; Snow, D.H.; Mason,
K.V.; Malik, R. 2008. Evaluation of the
thyroid status of Basenji dogs in Australia.
Australian Veterinary Journal: 11, 429-
434). Given the difficulty of accurately
measuring TT4 concentrations that
low, TSH level measures are essential
to properly assess thyroid function.
Otherwise, your basenji may be
diagnosed as hypothyroid by the standard all-breed normal range and be medicated for no reason. -
high platelet and ALAT levels@debradownsouth Thank you, Debra! Otherwise she's fine, she's active, she's running a lot. And we cleaned her teeth in April and she's collecting plaque very fast. I have to brush her teeth regularly. Thank you very much for your answer!
high platelet and ALAT levels@senjisilly Thank you, I will check on it.
high platelet and ALAT levels@donc
These are the numbers that I have ( if I got it right what you ask)
-Platelet- 530 (164-510)
-hematocrit - 0,60 (0,37 – 0,55)lymphocytes - 17,7% (12 – 30) urea - 2,56 (3,1 – 9,2) alkaline phosphatase - 286 U/I (1 - 85) ALAT - 82,4 (8 – 57)
And this is combined with the fact she's putting on weight and has a huge appetite and bad breath. I am very much concerned about her but the vets said there is nothing to worry about.
P.S. I know nothing about normal levels of thyroids for basenjis. Please, somebody help with information. -
high platelet and ALAT levelsRecently I made blood work for my girl. She's 4 y 9mo. I found some levels in her blood test are not at normal levels, but the vets just said nothing. And they really know nothing about basenjis. Here are the results which are not in normal levels for dogs:
-Platelet- 530
-hematocrit - 0,60- lymphocytes - 17,7%
- urea - 2,56
- alkaline phosphatase - 286 U/I
- ALAT - 82,4
And I checked her Thyroids too-
-TSH - <0,005 - fT4 - 5,35
- fT3 - 2,2
Cortisol - 45,3
If anyone can make any comments or has any suggestions, I would be very grateful.