Thanks for all the responses. Trixie also will scratch at her water bowl if it goes empty. I wish I could say she does not beg, but she will actually paw at your arms when we are trying to eat. It is one thing we are trying to work with her on, you know tell her no and push her down. It is not working! LOL! These dogs are so persistent when they decide they want something!!! She has calmed down so much (soon to be 2) but will at times try your patience! Thats why I love her!

Food Time -
ARGH stupid human!!!!Trixie will be two in December and she is not picky in the least when it comes to shoes. She will chew up any shoe left out. Just ask my three kids who refuse to put shoes away. When she gets one I say sorry but everyone knows how she is. (including me and her dad! shame on us as we have been guilty in the past).
Food TimeQuick survey,
Does anyones B let them know when they are hungry? Our little girl will pick up her sisters food bowl (the girls are kept seperate for eating - have had some issues in the past) and run thru the house with it (and it is a big bowl!). The other thing Trixie will do is put her paws in the bowl and dig! It cracks us up! Just curious if anyones else B does these types of things?:)
Q-Tip obsessionDitto with Trixie! She loves Q-Tips used or not used!
Trixie has the run of the house!Again I know I have been away too long but things get so busy! Just wanted to let everyone know that we have hit a milestone with Trixie! She does not need to be locked up any more in her crate during the day!!!!!! We started by leaving her out for just a little while each day and found that nothing was being shredded or destroyed. She is now on her own with her big sister Josie of course all day! Nothing is ever touched (bedroom doors and bathroom doors are always SHUT!!) But things have gotten so much better! She does still have her moments at night when we are all home! SHE IS A BIG ONE FOR ATTENTION! But so far so good!!:)
Hidding treatsOh how lucky you are! Trixie hides everything on my hubby's bed and mine! Bully sticks, pig snouts you name it. And not just on the bed but often behind our pillows! Gross!!!!! Ha Ha
Having Some IssuesWhen my husband packs to go out of town, he does it behind closed doors. You learn that lesson pretty quickly when you have to rewash your clothes the night before going out of town because your dog pees in your suitcase.
As far as visitors, though, my parents were just in town for a week, and Jack decided he liked them more than us and even started sleeping in their room instead of with us. I think this was mainly because I still had to work the first two days they were here, so they let him out and played with him during the day while I was gone. Can your visitors spend a little bit of time with your dog when they first arrive to let her know that they are a valuable addition to the house- aka…they will pet her (and possibly treat her)?
Thats the problem they are all going to WDW and all of the attractions so they are also not home. Don't get me wrong she loves on anyone that comes in the house - (and tried to get in the suitcases etc.) But I was just thinking it's her way of saying hey this is mine. I guess thats the biggest problem Trixie thinks the entire house is hers!!!
Having Some IssuesSoooo, Sorry I have been away so long. We have had another group of visitors (so lucky we live in Florida! Ha!) In the summer we often turn into a Holiday Inn for our family as we live in the middle of the state, close to everything! Anyway - our little girl does not seem to crazy about having all these visitors! Last week we purchased two blow up mattresses for extra places for people to sleep. I made all of the beds in prep. for them being at our house in a couple of hours. Well in a matter of 30 minutes, Trixie jumped up on every freshly made bed and went pee!!!!!!! I could have killed her! I think I understand why she did this (marking her territory?) but I of course had to strip everything and wash and remake beds. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Gotta love her even though she drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!:eek:
Fun story about toys!My husband and I went to a Rays baseball game several weeks ago where he actually caught a foul ball! Well we brought the ball home and he was so proud (never caught a ball before) but guess who has had her eyes on it since it came into the house. You guessed it little Ms. Trixie. He had it showing our kids and she actually jumped up onto his lap and tried to take it. We of course have since went out and bought her (I know spoiled rotten) her own baseball and she loves it!
Harness chewing@Mia:
Yes it is in the backyard, and no it's not fenced :(
I wished it was. He is fine when we are going on walks, but as soon as he is left alone for more than 5 min he chews it up in a matter of a few minutes! Would a martingale collar work? I think the reason teh harness doesn't work is because he wedges his jaw on the shoulder part of the harness, and I figured that maybe a martinglae collar would work better since he can't get to it. Ahhh why can't he be more like his calm sister Mia lol…Welcome to the club! Trixie chewed her way thru at least 5 - 6 harnesses and yes also in a matter of minutes. The only time she has a harness on is when she is going for a walk or if we are taking her in the car. She has had her current one for at least 3 months ! It's a miracle, but I feel your pain!
Poll: Where Does You Basenji Sleep?Under the covers in the crook of my leg but somehow she manages to push me all the way to the side of the bed everynight! As I have said before my back has never been the same since Trixie came to stay!
Abbey's revengeOur little angel scratched my back the other night because I had not lifted the covers fast enough for her highness to go to her favorite spot, under the covers and in the crook of my legs!
Got wood?I forgot to mention the rocks. Mya has a thing for rocks too. She doesn't chew on them, but rolls them around in her mouth with her tongue. It's like her version of the life-saver. And I thought my kids were the ones that were going to give my grey hair!!
Yes, Trixie also has a thing for rocks. She chews on them all the time, I have to take the rocks away from her but unfortunately out entire back yard has a peremeter of rocks by our fence so often we will find a pile under our patio furniture! :)
Relentless PupIts insane. Kiya just wont let up. We have given in and now she pushes me in the middle of the night with her paws. I woke up at 7am on the edge of the bed with nails in my back :mad:
Yes, I often wake up like that as well. It is amazing how they start out on the side and within a couple hours somehow manage to manipulate themselves to dead smack middle of the bed! Funny creatures these B's!:D
Yodel or Yawn or ???Speaking of stretches, does anyone else's stretch their body upward so that it looks like a speed bump or an upside down U? LOL. It's hard to describe but Dallas will pull his front & back paws close together & push his back up. It is the cutest darn thing! That plus his AM noises melt my heart! These dogs just impress me more & mroe as each day goes by that I own one. Who wants obnoxious barking when your house can be filled with baroos, yodels, singing & oooouuuuwww-ing :p
Trixie stretches like that and poops like that! Funniest thing I have ever seen. I have never seen a dog poo like her plus she walks while she is doing it. I would take a picture but she gets very disturbed is she thinks you are watching her!
Relentless PupBest of luck to you! We have a basenji bed hog every night. She starts out with my husband but always end up with me under the covers hogging the entire bed! My back has not been the same since we got her! LOL
Speaker WiresOur Little Lady LOVES anything that has a wire. We have already had to replace 2 computer wires, and several of our lamp wires were chewed! They were not plugged in thank goodness!
Dog Park IssuesHey we had the same thing happen to us on this past Sat. We have taken Trixie for over a month one to two times per week. All of a sudden on Sat. Trixie got an attitude with a dog that was under our table and I had to scoop her up, she was trying to fight the dog and of course once that happened all the other dogs came over to see what was going on. I had Trixie picked up and we left quickly. She would not not stop making her lovely growling and devil noises. It scared a lot of people who were looking at me like what the HECK lady? I could not tell you what happened but we will be taking a little break from the dog park!!
Is this my spot?Cute cute picture. Trixie loves food also, just not her own! She would much prefer to eat what her humans are eating! She gives it a college try every evening! We have learned to ignore her!
Trip To The VetI find it interesting that in Sweden these collars are illegal yet in the US according to my vet you can get them anywhere. (By the way I have yet to see one in any petsmart or grocery store as he commented. I appreciate all the feedback sooooo much. Again, I just found the entire conversation strange and I would NEVER use any type of device like that on our little girl. Like I said I can almost understand it for a big dog but even than it just looked horrible to me. But I am a big softie and Trixie is quite spoiled! Hard to Believe Huh!!