@elbrant Thank you so much!! Thankfully, he's not quite tall enough to figure it out on his own yet 😆 We worked very hard on paw handling so we're able to keep them nice and short!
Avg. 5 Month Weight? -
Avg. 5 Month Weight?@zande He was born December 31, his dam is Zabine via Zama, and his sire is Klay from the Kongo. And I will definitely be putting some weight on him, thank you for the tip! His skin is very stretchy lol. Thank you for the compliment on his coat - he's been the healthiest little boy :)
Avg. 5 Month Weight?@jengosmonkey Thank you so much! I think he's a pretty handsome guy ☺️ He did go to the vet quite recently (getting confirmation on some mild seasonal allergies), and she said he was at a perfect weight, though I certainly trust breeders the most. He is on a special diet made for his age and weight to maintain at his activity level, as well, and he's putting on that weight at a good rate!
Avg. 5 Month Weight?@dandydog and immediately after.. it's hard work standing still on the counter
Avg. 5 Month Weight?I didn't realize how few pictures I have of him just in profile so pls excuse the kitchen mess lol
Avg. 5 Month Weight?@jengosmonkey I wasn't concerned at all for his weight, just curious as I see a lot of weight variation in basenjis online! His ribs are perfectly as you described and he's been gaining weight steadily. He's a very active boy and he's on a great diet! I'm excited to see how he turns out but I'm not in a rush either, just enjoying him :)
Avg. 5 Month Weight?@tanza It's good to know they grow at their own pace! He is very healthy, you can feel his ribs well under his skin but they are not visible. He's been growing very steadily! I was just curious, not concerned - whether he's big, small, or average, he's perfect to me :)
Avg. 5 Month Weight?My boy just turned five months and is about 13 pounds - there are no other basenjis in our area I can compare him to, but he seems pretty big for his age (very lanky, just long and tall!) His mom was on the smaller side while his dad was very big for a B, so I was wondering if his weight was around average for his age, or if he's on the bigger side. (Hoping he grows up to be bigger like his dad.)
Howdy from Dandy!@elbrant Thank you so much!!
Puppy Ear Build-up?@elbrant That's good to know! We are in Kansas where pollen and allergies are rampant lol, I am wondering more if that's what it is since the build-up isn't increasing very quickly at all. Seems to be worse after we spend a while outside.
Howdy from Dandy!@eeeefarm We've worked on recall on a 20' line and are steadily increasing the distance! It's tricky right now since we are still sticking to areas that haven't had too many dogs pass through (he has a couple more vaccines to get but the vet has OK'ed most outdoor activities), but he's done great with the distractions we've worked through. I rarely use clickers but I would definitely try it out with him, thank you for the suggestion!
Howdy from Dandy!@tanza Oh, I've heard the opposite! In my time as a trainer, I always recommend Y-shaped harnesses for puppies and small breeds, as collars (even martingales) can apply too much pressure to their throats. Front-clip harnesses with the band across the chest, on the other hand, are awful for their movement and development. We've done lots of loose-leash walking work so he really doesn't utilize the harness to yank me - the leash is just tight for the sake of the picture
Puppy Ear Build-up?@tanza Okay, good to know! I talked to the breeder who agreed that this is not common and suggested mites or a yeast infection. I'm going to take him to the vet this weekend to be on the safe side, I just found it odd that they aren't itchy or painful and wondered if anyone had experienced something similar. He's on UnKibble which he's done great with!
Howdy from Dandy!@eeeefarm Oh, I've noticed! It makes it more rewarding when he really does engage with me, haha - he's as smart as a whip. Already knows sit, down, spin, shake, high five, wave, stay, touch, focus, and we are working on building up those "sit pretty" muscles. He's pretty attentive for his breed, from what I've seen from him so far!
Puppy Ear Build-up?Within the past couple weeks, I've noticed my 12 week-old puppy has some build-up in his ears. I am used to constantly cleaning my shepherd's ears since they are so prone to allergies, so it's tough for me to tell what's just normal dirt/wax build-up, and what's something more concerning like a yeast infection or mites. He isn't itching them at all, and our two cats also are not having any ear problems, so I don't think it's mites. The wax/dirt is dark brown and pretty easy to clean out with Q-tips/Kleenex and ear cleaner. Is this just a Basenji thing since their ears are so upright?
Howdy from Dandy!Hello! Dandy is a 12 week-old brindle Basenji boy from Kansas. I am a dog trainer myself and this is my first Basenji after having shepherds all my life. I have lots to learn about the breed still and am so happy to hear everyone's wonderful advice! :)