Hey Jennifer pm sent. I think lol. Still learning.

? About Another Dog -
Anyone Else's B Make Noise When They Yawn?I've heard Cooper baroo twice. I love it! His yelping not soo much.
Anyone Else's B Make Noise When They Yawn?My B Cooper when ever he yawns he makes the cutest little noise! Does anyone else's B do that? It's kinda funny as well, because I tend to do that too sometimes, but he's never seen me haha.
PedigreeConfirmed…the numbers on the pedigree are ACA, not CKC.
So is that better? Also if found a breeder named tammie wade. She is selling b's for 400 to 500, fanconi tested.
PedigreeWhat is a normal cost?
PedigreeIf you guys know any tri males for a reasonable price let me know.
PedigreeThe one thing that is bothering me is what my sister told me. This pup has a home now… If I say no then he doesn't. I am waiting for th test result, and I have talked with candyce for awhile now, and no offense to you guys, you have not. I really truly believe that she does have a good head on her shoulder. She might not be a top breeder, but she does care for these animals. Maybe not in your eyes I don't know. If you guys really want to, talk to her... idk
PedigreeAlso I don't really know if this matters or what not. I decided to get a basenji, because In december I had to get rid of my dog, because my dad attempted suicide. It broke my heart that I had to get rid of my dog. I had her for 6 years. I decided on a B, because I just like their personality, and I love a challenge. I just typed in basenji puppies on google and it came up on the puppy website. I saw the basenji, and price, so I acted on it. I have never bought from a breeder. Three weeks ago I made the flight reservation, puppy carry on, and the days off I needed. If she is an irresponsible breeder I can't help it. I decided to get him before I came on this forum. I just wanted to talk to people that are aware with basenji's. I found this forum by pure luck. I talked to a breeder near me, and she didn't have any puppies at the time, so I went for the second choice. I need an companion in my life, and I know I am not a breeder, or have an experience with this breed, but in my gut I just have this feeling that everything is going to work out ok… Like I said I am meeting her at her house, and looking at things and what not.
PedigreeI don't know. I am talking to her tomorrow. Like I said though I already have flight and everything….
PedigreeAlso I already scheduled the flight, called off work, and my mom said we can't change the flight, and stuff, and thank you. lol
PedigreeAnother way I see it is that this puppy is going to a good home. I will love him with all my heart. I am seeing her house when I pick him up…
PedigreeOh trust me my pup is not going to breed. My old chiarat Riley had puppies w a yorkie and surprisingly they were cute! But never again lol. He is going to neutered as soon as it is 'time' for him to be. My old sheltie died of kidney failure so I know what pain feels like when losing a dog. I just hope you guys will still talk to me, and respect me. That's all I am asking for.
PedigreeMaybe she is not being responsible… idk. I am getting the fanconi test, and if I have to I'll do the other test. I decided on him before I came onto this board, and I really like to talk to you guys. I just think she has a heart... but idk.
PedigreeResearch what? The sire is Texas Wallering Poker. Dam is Sandy Dandee.
This is the email
"As stated in the ad they are ACA and CKC registered. The way I got Dandee and Sandee was by chance. My daughter saw an ad in the paper 3 years ago about a kennel closing and every dog had to go that weekend. We went to look at a shih-tzu for my daughter. This place was horrible and filthy and no dog should ever have to live in those conditions. It smelled so bad you couldn't breathe and the dogs were in a barn with narrow little runs that obviously had never been cleaned. I was sickened and I saw three basenjis. Not familiar with the breed,(I have raised shelties for many years) I asked about them and the woman didn't have anything good at all to say about them. She had bought them in Louisiana and they were all about a year old. They seemed overly excited and friendly but I assume it was because they wanted out! Feeling sorry for them I immediately brought them home. After several vet visits and bathes and lots of sunlight (which they had never been in since puppies) and room to run around I fell in love with the breed and have had them ever since. They are different from my shelties but very unique in their own way. Dandee is the sweetest and most calm. Loves everyone and gets along very well with other dogs. Sandee can be a little dominating and I have to put her in her place at times. The male I brought home died from a snakebite 2 years ago. We live very secluded in the country and have 600 acres surrounding us so snakes are very common in Texas. He didn't make it and I bought Poker from a man in Oklahoma. All of my basenjis have no health problems. The puppies will have a full health checkup at about 7 weeks where my vet checks their eyes, hearing and patellas. He does a fecal exam and a neurological stimulus test. If any problems are present then I will let you know. Out of 3 years of Basenji litters i have only had one puppy that had a slipped disk. The rest have been very healthy and passed all health exams. You will get a copy of the health exam when you get your puppy. Feel free to ask any more questions." -
PedigreeThat is not foreign… this is a "made up" registery... that many BYB and Puppy Millers use because they do not want to confirm to AKC regulations for DNA parent testing.....
She got the damn by chance I can copy the email of what she sent.
PedigreeI'm still puzzled by the "foreign" part but perhaps when you get the actual pedigree it could shine some light on that.
I don't think anyone will be able to comment about specific dogs without seeing the actual pedigree. If you would like me to share my thoughts and comments about it, you could send it to me via email to yodeldogs at aol dot com.
I sent you an email thanks.
PedigreeOh, that isn't really a good place to have a dogs parents from.
Sorry to share that with you.It's ok. This is the first time I have actually bought a puppy from a breeder. Last time I had a dog I got her at petland…
Breeder Fanconi Testing all Parents, and my PupAs I indicated before - if you want to give me his name off list - happy to see if I know anything.
I thought I sent you a pm? Maybe I didn't? lol.
? About Another DogAh ok must have missed it thanks! I just bought the book Basenji: Complete… ect at borders the guy didn't even know what a basenji was! Haha
PedigreeContinental Kennel Club.