That is an incredible video - things like this just reinforce (to me) why I love all animals. Thanks Dan. I'll send this one over to my sis, a Chow owner and total animal lover too.
wow! thanks for sharing, troubling isn't it? very good investigative work.
Alleged or not, that camera video was spot on….
Too bad for the poor pets that have been through this or have died because of the lack of care in some airlines
I will copy this link and pass it on!
If this is a recent change, has the dog been seen by a vet? When a dog is in pain they will often have a behavorial change and be more grouchy and not like being touched.
A dog would not necessarily be a bad idea in a normal museum setting but if you look at the pictures of that museum everything was displayed in such a way that it would be a huge temptation for an animal. In fact, it would be a huge temptation for a small child that was under adult supervision.