• how come they are soooooo DARN cute??????!!!!

  • I have no idea at this point which one I am keeping. Black Bart definitely lives up to his name though-he's bad. Johnny is very sweet and shy at this point. BG is a typical tri-he's bold and sneaky at the same time. Magic is a suck as well. But he's a lot more outgoing than Johnny. We'll have to wait and see how they turn out further. I'm concerned because the tails on the blacks are all really funky at the end. Again, it's a wait and see game at this point.

  • I really miss having black/whites in the house. Cute babies, Arlene. Looking forward to watching them grow.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I have no idea at this point which one I am keeping. Black Bart definitely lives up to his name though-he's bad. Johnny is very sweet and shy at this point. BG is a typical tri-he's bold and sneaky at the same time. Magic is a suck as well. But he's a lot more outgoing than Johnny. We'll have to wait and see how they turn out further. I'm concerned because the tails on the blacks are all really funky at the end. Again, it's a wait and see game at this point.

    What do you mean by "funky"…...? Are you referring to what is commonly known as "end tail rot"?.... I have always put A&D on my pups tails from birth after I had a case of "tail rot" with one litter and even lost the tip on two of the pups... no one has been able to determine what/why it happens, but on my litters after, using A&D every day, I never had another problem. In looking at the pictures again, I would guess that is maybe what is going on... "maybe"... but even if they loose the tip, they have more then enough white to work out just fine. One of my pups ended up with about 20 white hairs on his tail....

  • Hi Tanza,

    For the completely uninitiated here, could you give a bit more detail on the "end tail rot" ??? I havent ever heard of this, and am curious to hear more about it :). Also what is A&D ???


    Congrats on a gorgeous litter. I am desperately wanting a B/W, I have even enquired about some semen from a Swedish dog, but I think it will just be toooooooooo expensive, even if I go halves with another Aussie breeder :rolleyes:…

  • A & D is a baby rash cream used for lot's of things. My daughter does modeling they use it on there lips made my tummy turn but they do it anyway. No nothing about the tails but I also would like to know more.

    Rita Jean

  • Thanks Rits Jean :D:D. I thought it sounded like it was some sort of cream type of thingy !!!

  • I have been putting a cream on them. But in tail rot, it usually purples, blackens and falls off. These tails still have hair on them and are warm. I had thought it was tail rot, but am still unsure, which is why it is now a waiting game. On two of them they definitely have enough white tip, the other I am unsure of. But there should be enough white. Here is a pic of the tail end on the largest tip. It's blurry, but you'll get the idea. It definitely looks like tail rot, but again they are warm and have fur.

  • @YodelDogs:

    I really miss having black/whites in the house. Cute babies, Arlene. Looking forward to watching them grow.

    Maybe next year Robyn!

  • I am not sure if it always looks the way you described. I have heard some people say the tails get flaky, almost like cradle cap.

    When you apply the cream to their tails, do you rub vigorously? Almost all the various methods that I have heard for preventing tail crud include rubbing it vigorously which may really be what makes them work.

    I use the A&D, lanolin and petroleum jelly, like Pat does and I make sure to really rub the tail when applying.

  • Yup, maybe too much as they squeal, but I'm keeping it up. I'm using Lamisil right now. Lamisil is used up here for various things including fungal infections, cradle cap, yeast infections, etc. I'm just keeping it up for now. That's really all I can do at this point. If they do survive (the tail tips), I should have enough hair to cover the tips of them anyway, as long as more doesn't atrophy.

  • Great pups… really beautiful! and the names are very nice!

  • I have never had or hear that any have atrophied any further…. Also I have never had any that turned black, they just fell off... And many times the tail tip will stay warm, 50/50 if it is lost or not. Have you used the oitment from birth?

    And I like the A&D oitment because it makes a shield around the area, rather then a cream that just soaks in and disappears.

    But like you noted, they have lots of white on the tip, so no problem there.

    For those who have asked, seems like on newborn puppies they get some kind of what many refer to as cradle cap (like on a baby) on the tail tips. The tips will die and fall off... many have different "cures" from washing daily with dish soap, to creams, or for me the best I have found is the A&D oitment. Easy to put on, Moms seen to leave it alone, lasts all day/all night (for the first 2wks I put it on twice a day)....

  • Soooooooooooooooooooo cute. That's all there is to say! Oh and maybe Happy Holidays! 😉

  • Thanks for the info on the problem. As I said I have never heard it mentioned, so I wasnt sure what it was… Does it seem to affect different colours more or less often, for those that have experienced it ??? Does anyone know what causes it ??? Does it affect the ability to be shown, for those pups that have had it happen, that have ended up in the show ring ??? Is it a hereditry problem ???

    Sorry for all the questions, I just want to learn ⭕o

  • I have been putting it on since birth, but maybe next time I'll change the ointment. This is a really heavy cream. Sugar's litter last year had it and I used dish soap without any problems. Oh well, next time I'll go back to the dish soap as this didn't seem to do the trick. Thanks for the info Pat and Lisa, it always helps to have a different perspective.

    I don't think it's hereditary. Sugar (totally different line) also had reds and a tri, they all got the 'cradle cap' thing, but when I started using the dish soap it went away. I don't think it should affect the ability to show, unless they lose all the white and even then, there isn't a disqualification for that and I don't know if it's even considered a fault really. Depends on how much white is on the tail tip. If you even have a few hairs, it's okay.

  • I don't believe it is hereditary either… it just seems to happen... while I have only had reds and Tris, it was an all red litter that I first had the problem with.... And as Arlene said, you only need a few white hairs which is exactly what our Tego wound up with... and he finished easily....

  • how cute !!! love the names too 🙂

  • Okay, updated pics, not the best, but these are little rugrats that don't seem to stop moving when they are awake. I tackled them for nail clipping yesterday and Johnny left me no doubt that he was not impressed with the whole process. Just started feeding them pablum on Tues with adding ground up dog food to the pablum on Thurs. Damisi still feeds them most of the time. So at 5.5 weeks, they are just starting to be weaned.

  • Beautiful blacks and tri :).
    I like they have a little of white 🆒.

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