And to add to all this… she is still growing/changing at this stage... adding in being in season... is just another fact of life to deal with.... It is difficult with baby puppy bitches to figure out ideal weight... they change so much daily....
Well isn't she a sassy little thing? Thanks so much for the information. I had not heard of this one at all. I will Google it to get more info and find where to purchase!
Hi @Vesna, it’s interesting you say that about the spay. Our tri-color actually just got spayed this week and her coat shed before that. I noticed small amount of black hair growing in where she shed, hopefully it grows back. What phase is your tri-color at? Did this just happen?
Are you wanting to get involved in a Guardian program (i.e.; become a foster home)? Or are you wanting to adopt an adult dog, or get on a waiting list for the next litter? Also, since this could be related to geography, is there a specific country or region that you are inquiring about?
My undergraduate degree was in geophysics with a minor in applied math. I name all my Basenjis after Indian mathematicians. My current Basenjis are Madhava of Sangamagrama (Madhava for short) and Bramagupta (Bramagupta for short). They do respond to their "short" names.