Really glad to read this thread because my new 6-7 month old puppy is chewing on everything. She doesn't seem interested in chewing on her toys. I thought I had found something that worked which was a cow hoof but she managed in a couple of days to break it apart into pieces and then I felt things were getting dangerous for her. I don't know what to try that she will want to chew on that is safe and nondestructible. We walk several times a day and play Frisbee in the backyard so I feel like she is getting plenty of exercise but I could be wrong.
This is the typical age for B's to be "really" a handful, you just need to make sure that you are watching her and redirect her when she chews things she should not… I know it sounds "simple" but it isn't, because you need to know where she is all the time. Have you tried toys that you put food in and they roll it around to get the food out? There are a number of different ones, one of the first to come out was the Buster Cube... Watch using hoofs as they can break their teeth... and if you ever step on one with bare feet, you will never give them that again..gggg