Tribute to my sweethearts
Buana you make my heart goes wild…
- when you sneak behind me and give me a very strong yodel
- when you enjoyed your cookie and give me a very big kiss
- when you give me your special look if i'm feeling down
- when you let children pet you so they aren't afraid anymore for dogs
- when you hug strange people just to show, there is love in this world
- when you clean the ears of Chafuko and hailey to show you love them
- when people say you really can't be a dog, because you have something realy special
- when you sleep next to me in the mornings and yearns when I wake you up at 10.00 in the morning.
- when you just decides, you're going to use us as a warm pillow to sleep at..
- when you yodel the whole day and even more when i'm training you
- when you jump to me, so i pick you up and have to carry you as a baby
Chafuko you make my heart goes wild...
- when you wag you tail so hard I think it's going to fall of
- when you look at me with your twinkling eyes to say that you didn't destroyed that what lies next to you and you still have a piece in your mouth
- when you're staying exactly 8 o clock at the door were we keep the tripe
- when you try to bark if you're really happy
- when you try to lick the ears of Hailey and dissapeare with your whole head in her ear
- when you give us your smile when you may run loose to play
Hailey my heart goes wild:
- when we picked you up and you eyes went from very sad to very happy
- when you came out of the car and jump at our ship, while you didn't knew that was your new house
- when you show us you're so glad we rescued you
- when you think youre a chiuahua and jump at our lap
- when you want to hug me and slam you paw in my eye to say HI
- when you streches yourselfe and give a big fart after it
- when you shown us, before you came here, you belong to us.. and didn't wanted to go with you old owner but cheerfull walked with us to our car..
It's just indescribable how much love and joy dogs can give us...
Sooooo sweet!:)
Tribute to Bella:
When you look at me with those loving, dark, and mysterious eyes,
When you sing to me with that beautiful Basenji yodel,
When you cuddle up beside me in bed with your head on your pillow,
When you give me those delicate kisses on the end of my nose,
When you turn your wrinkled little head trying to understand my baby talk,
When you wag your curly Basenji tail and dance when I come home. -
Sooooo sweet!:)
Tribute to Bella:
When you look at me with those loving, dark, and mysterious eyes,
When you sing to me with that beautiful Basenji yodel,
When you cuddle up beside me in bed with your head on your pillow,
When you give me those delicate kisses on the end of my nose,
When you turn your wrinkled little head trying to understand my baby talk,
When you wag your curly Basenji tail and dance when I come home.:D Those little B's… what are we without them...