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Washington, DC Metro Area Basenji Meetup

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • Never mind. I just read a comment about the rules of the park. Neither of my dogs have been spayed or neutered. Glad you guys get to have some fun!!

  • Though the dog park rules state your dogs must be spayed or neutered, people ignore that rule all the time. The most important thing is that you be smart. Don't bring a dog in heat to a dog park. Monitor your dogs closely while at the park and if they get into any snarkiness step in immediately. Even dogs that have all been spayed/neutered can get into spats. It's only when a foolish owner doesn't immediately take control of their dog that people get annoyed. In regards to keeping your dog on leash, that's also against the rules, but for good reason. We all know that dogs are more defensive and aggressive on leash. Having your dog on-leash in the park just isn't smart. There will nearly always be some snarking among Bs at the park initially but a quick scold or correction is all that is generally required and soon they're all running around and playing. Those that don't get along have plenty of room to avoid each other if they wish. Most importantly, you have to relax as well. If you're timid, tense, or nervous chances are your dogs will pick up on and respond to that as well. Assume things will go well and act on that that assumption, and that's what will most likely happen.

  • I can't make it this weekend either :( I really hope to make it next Saturday though!!!

  • Here are some pics from our meetup today… :)

    Running of the hounds:

    JR getting the dogs moving:

    Attempting a group shot:

    Who invited the Beagle??

    Got B's?

    How many can you count??

  • It was really great to meet up with everyone! :) Wish more of my pics had turned out! Did anyone else get any?

  • I think it may be worth the drive to meet with everyone next time!

  • While I take my own pack to a small off-leash park in DC every weekend morning about 10am, we can plan Meetup playdates anywhere in the region. If folks know of a nice completely enclosed off-leash park in your area, please let me know and we'll move the location around each month to make it easier for more people to participate without having to drive quite as far every time.


  • If you all ever want to meet up at Baron Cameron – or there's one in Sterling but I can't remember the name of it... Let me know. We have a lot of plans this fall so the more heads up, the better. But I'd love to meet up again- I just adore seeing all the dogs together.

  • Where will it be this Saturday because Dallas & I are definitely coming! :)

  • anymore dc meet ups? altho my amber is sick :(

    saw one basenji walkin near the zoo one day, was that one of u guys? black one looked just like one of mine

  • Leesburg just opened a dog park… !! :)
    (Northern Virginia)

  • Here's a link to the park information (scroll down, it's item 13):

    Olde Izaak Walton Park

    850 Davis Court, SE 20175

    (21 acres) The park, once owned by the Izaak Walton League, includes a 3 ? acre

    pond, stream, trails, and a 7500 square foot building, which is available for rentals

    An off leash three quarter acre dog park has recently been completed at the park. Future plans may include passive uses such as a nature center, fishing pier, picnic facilities, and a playground.

    Would LOVE to have the 'senji's get together out our way at some point!! :)

  • Hi Folks,

    Sorry, but I don't check the Forums here too often these days … too much else going on. But, yes, the Metro Area Basenji Meetup Group is still active. I usually post information via the meetup website ( We haven't organized a large meetup yet this year, but I'm happy to do so, and as I mentioned before, we are willing to move the location around the area. I can send out a post to the group re: the 3/4 acre dog park in Leesburg to see if we can get up some interest to arrange a meetup there. If there are other dog parks around the area, feel free to pass along that info as well to me (via the meetup page would be best). We should definitely try to arrange a big group outing while we have good weather.

    J.R. Key
    Basenji Rescue And Transport
    Adoption Coordinator
    © 202.270.8447
    (f) 202.355.6484

  • might be down for a leesburg meetup, thats actually where the neurologist that i went to is. bout an 45 -1 hr away, im over in arlington area, crystal city

  • Do you guys still meet up in the DC area? We just moved to Alexandria a few months ago and I'd love to join you all!

  • We do still meet up in Arlington, VA at the Shirlington Dog Park. You can keep up with our group on

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