Welcome. 16 years is a good long life. Do you plan to get another basenji?
Hello from New Zealand
Hi all!
I've been lurking for a wee while and this looks like a great forum :).
We recently adopted a basenji/german shepherd mix from the dog rescue where I volunteer- his name is Basil and he's a rascal. He loves chasing the hose, birds, noisy cars- basically anything that makes noise and/or move fast. He also likes stealing socks and plastic bags and checking out what's on the kitchen bench and coffee table. It's been challenging but so worth it!
I also own a greyhound mix called Pocket Rocket and they're best of friends.I'm looking forward to meeting you and chatting with you all here
Welcome to the forum, can't wait to hear more about Basil and see more pictures
Welcome to the fun and Basenji Madness! Enjoy the forum and we just love pics.;)
Welcome! As B_Boy said…we love pics! Where in New Zealand are you from?
Welcome to the forum - you'll find it fun and full of good info. And yes the pictures are the best part!
Welcome!!! This is a great forum with lots of great & fun people. I hope you enjoy it
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome
I'll post some pics of my two ratbags in the picture forum.
Renault- I'm from Christchurch, in the South Island. It's a beautiful city- have you been over?
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome
I'll post some pics of my two ratbags in the picture forum.
Renault- I'm from Christchurch, in the South Island. It's a beautiful city- have you been over?
I have been over and I absolutely loved Christchurch. I spent 3 months in New Zealand (on a long vacation) right after New Zealand won the America's Cup from Dennis Conner :D. New Zealand is hands down the most beautiful county I've ever been and I'm dying to go back. Christchurch was my home base for about 3 weeks while I did a lot of traveling in the city and the surrounds…I loved that city.
Yes, please post pictures of the kids!
Welcome to the forum. Ditto to what everyone said - you'll like it here. This forum has a lot of diversity and no meaness….......which speaks well of basenji owners! We may be weird (as the winery lady said) but we're a nice bunch! New Zealand is also on my "short list" of places to eventually visit.
Welcome…I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Looking forward to the pics!
I would certainly have to agree with you about NZ's appeal. I think the LOTR movie helped a lot in promoting our image LOL. I love the country- don't think I would/could live anywhere else, really!
I certainly hope you're able to make your way over here (again)- although it is quite far to travelP.S. there are some pics up
Welcome to the forum Vinia….enjoy.