• Very excited to find this site! Can't wait to read everything!

  • Welcome…please tell us about yourself [and your B(s)?] when you have a chance…

  • welcome to the forum – do you have basenjis or thinking about getting one or three?

  • We have a Basenji brindle boy who found us about 6 years ago. His name is King Tut and he does rule our house! We also have a terrier mix, Pepper. She is 11 years old. And thanks to my son, we have a 1 1/2 yr old Weimaraner, Maddie. I never planned on having such an odd group of dogs but we love them dearly. I didn't know a thing about Basenji's until Tut showed up at our house. We went through a couple weeks of "there is no way we can keep this wild animal" to falling in love with him and worrying that someone would show up and claim him. No one did and 6 years later we are still adjusting to all his Basenji mannerisms. I browse the internet often trying to find out if he is crazy but then I just get confirmation that he is just a Basenji.

  • Welcome. Can't wait to see pics of King Tut, cute name, sounds like you have a great little family

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