Congrats to all, it was fun running with your kids in KY. Our next AKC will be at the nationals, Xander just needs that last major and Trog one pt. We will just be running the AKC as I volunteered to work the ASFA event instead.
Day 1 - Iron Hound Results
May 26 - LGRA, straight line racing
1 – HiJinx, Kazor’s Autumn HiJinx JC, SORC, SGRC
2 – Nestle, Kazor Raises The Bar With Zindika
3 – Cole, DC Kinetic’s Enchanted Knight SC
4 – Nicky, DC Sherwood’s In The Nick of Time SC, RN, LCM
5 – Crash, DC Crash Bandicoot O' Bushbabies SC, FCh, SOR, GRC
6 – Rio, Kinetic Sourcery SC
7 – Winifred, FC Jumanji My Winifred FCh
8 – Levi, FC Dharian’s Levi SC
9 – Rally, DC Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon SC, FCh, JOR
10 – Beauty, FC Svengali’s Dark Beauty, FCh -
I probably ought to explain Iron Hound a little. Every year the Northern California Whippet Club offers the Iron Hound competition over a 3 day weekend. It is usually held over Labor Day weekend but due to the whippet national being that weekend they are having it this weekend. Iron Hound consists of three events,
LGRA - straight line racing
NOTRA - oval track racing
ASFA Lure CoursingThe dog of each breed with the best placement/scores for the weekend earns the title of Iron Hound. This year all 10 dogs competing today are entered in the Iron Hound Competition.
I bet that was a blast! Can't wait to hear about the next two days.
Here are Day 2 NOTRA results and the Iron Hound standings.
May 27 - NOTRA
1 - Rio, Kinetic Sourcery SC
2 - HiJinx, Kazor's Autumn HiJinx JC, SORC, SGRC
3 - Crash, DC Crash Bandicoot O' Bushbabies SC, FCh, SOR, GRC
4 - Nestle, Kazor Raises The Bar With Zindika
5 - Cole, DC Kinetic's Enchanted Knight SC
6 - Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon SC, FCh, JOR
7 - Levi, FC Dharian's Levi SC
8 - Beauty, FC Svengali's Dark Beauty, FCh
9 - Winifred, FC Jumanji My Winifred FCh
10 - Nicky, DC Sherwood's In The Nick of Time SC, RN, LCMIron Hound Standings
1 - HiJinx
2 - Nestle
3 - Rio
4 - Crash
4 - Cole
6 - Nicky
7 - Rally
7 - Levi
9 - Winifred
10 - BeautyLisa Voss
Woodland, CA