I applaud you for getting a rescue. There are tooooo many out there. For a first timer, an older one would be good, at least 18mos old or more where their personality is who they are at this age. Research all you can, and if you fill out an application and are denied, no not stop trying. I was denied by a Basenji rescue, and Uzie is my second where I found him right here 'free to good home' so we drove two days to pick him up and he is thriving without fenced in yards. (not for everyone as not everyone lives on 10 acres or more…I get this....!) but he has blossomed and doing well. So, don't give up!
African Basenji and African Elephants
Okay this is THE coolest thing I've seen in a long, long time.
I did not know basenjis were used to subdue elephants in their native lands.
Oh, and is anyone surprised the basenji just stands there "bow to the basenji, bow to the basenji."
that is SO neat!! love it!
Aaliyah says she would like to have an elephant as a playmate…instead of Ozzy...