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Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.

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  • There are just too many advantages of solar energy over the non-renewable resources like oil. Solar energy is healthier than oil. The burning of oil releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into our environment. The average home produces more than twice the amount of carbon dioxide than an average car does.

    Solar energy Australia is free. The sun provides it which will power thousands of generations to come. Therefore solar energy is a renewable source of energy; oil on the other hand is not a renewable source. Once exhausted, it cannot be retained. The main reason why most companies don?t use it is because they can?t charge the person for something that?s available free of cost to everyone.

    Solar panels are cheap to build. All you need is a reliable Do It Yourself kit and a guide that will guide you every step of the way. Or you can consult a solar energy Australia company to do the same for you. Solar cells are extremely quiet. They power your home without making a sound.
    You can create your own solar power for just below $200. Some countries offer tax rebates and tax reductions through implementing solar power solutions in your home. The countries include Australia and America. It's possible to "sell back" power into the grid and pay less for your electricity bills.
    As you can see there are many advantages of solar power. On the other hand there are also some disadvantages such as:
    Buying factory made solar panels can cost thousands. But there are Do It Yourself kits to show you how to build solar panels. Solar power cannot be created at night. However, that's why there are wind generators or hydro power. They are mostly abundant in countries with a high number of hours exposed to the sun. So, cold countries in the northern or southern latitude will create less solar energy.

  • Solar energy is a renewable form of energy which can be put to various purposes depending on the individual's needs and the solar device used. Solar energy can be obtained easily by installing solar devices in your home and these devices are quite efficient and come with a lifetime warranty.

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