That is too funny. I think I've caught Nala watching the reflection of the TV, but more as a curiosity like, "How can they be sitting and staring at that thing all day in the first place, and now there's TWO? I don't get it. " Then a big sigh and she puts her head down.
We where watching a recording of a Basenji dog show and Max was watching it like it was Victoria's Secret for dogs. I bet he watched closely for at least 20 minutes.
My wife and Son always turn on the Animal Planet on for the dogs when they leave and put them in thier crates. I don't know if they actually watch it from thier crates, but I guess it makes them feel better with the TV on.
If I find a remote in one of the crates it may be time to have a talk with my wife and son.:D
My wife and Son always turn on the Animal Planet on for the dogs when they leave and put them in thier crates. I don't know if they actually watch it from thier crates, but I guess it makes them feel better with the TV on.
I do the same thing! I feel bad that they'll get lonely so I leave them with some company..dogs, birds, crocks LOL :D :D :D
We where watching a recording of a Basenji dog show and Max was watching it like it was Victoria's Secret for dogs. I bet he watched closely for at least 20 minutes.
LOL LOL…is this something we would finds in the "Rated R" section of doggy videos LOL!!
I do the same thing! I feel bad that they'll get lonely so I leave them with some company..dogs, birds, crocks LOL :D :D :D
I guess there's something to that logic.:)
When we go out, my poor furbaby has to listen to Country music on the radio. I figure that should relax her while she is in her crate and distract her from outside noises. It seems to work since she usually sleeps now in her crate. :)
Callie has always been very tuned to things our other previous dogs would ignore! She always watches jet planes, birds, bugs, and sometimes, she will watch TV. It is usually when animals are on, especially dogs, or squirrels. You can see her eyes move with them. It is a bit uncanny! :)
One of mine wil go crazy and watch TV, especially other dogs, but also animals in general. He will even run up and paw at the screen. When we really want to torment him, we fire up the "Breed All About It" on Basenjis and he goes crazy when they yodel. ;)
Here is Tigger, checking things out. His sister, Lion even got in on the action here, which is rare for her.
Our B has started watching TV also. it's funny to see how he just stares at it. Sometimes if someone is singing, crying, barking, etc he moves his head from side to side.
Mine doesn't usually watch TV, but in one of the episodes of Planet Earth there was a segment on wild dogs that were hunting strategically in packs. He was so worked up, it was like it brought out the wild dog in him. He was literally running up the walls but his vision was dead locked on the tube. I think he wanted in on the action!