My granddaughter has a one year old son who has just been walking recently - when he is in our home, both my B's back away from him - I do believe it's because of the eye level contact. When Evan is on the floor, neither dog minds sniffing him and being around him, but when he is on his feet, they become wary. At that point, everyone is watching very closely - any sign of the wrong kind of contact, and they would be put into a separate room. So far, so good - but children do sometimes have a different kind of energy that makes dogs nervous, so to be safe if your dog shows aggression, hire a behaviorist, and separate them until they learn.
The most likely reason is the way in which they move. It is kind of hurkey-jerky, and unpredictable…dogs don't like that much. And they naturally stare at things that are interesting. Little kids also don't have much sense about when it is okay to reach out towards a dog, and when it isn't. Most adults have grown to be able to read a dog even a little, and if the dog looks nervous, they don't reach out...but kids, nope..they reach out no matter what :) Again, dogs can't predict what they will do, and their typical warnings don't stop a child.
I have always said, the trouble with dogs and kids doesn't happen when you bring the baby home...it is when the baby starts walking!