Jumping into this thread a bit late, but CAN'T WAIT for a semi-local national for me. Auburn is 3 hours north of Portland and I am really looking forward to seeing you all there! I haven't been to a National since Colorado in 2010.
I'm leaving on Thursday… Lure Trials Saturday, need to be out of the house cause the downstairs bathroom is being remodeled... easier to do if the girls and I are gone for 10 days!
I'll be there Saturday to do Hubble's JC runs. I haven't gotten around to getting either of the dogs qualified so they'll have sit out for the rest this time. Have to work that in or I'll never end up coursing them!
We are leaving Saturday morning and are looking forward to meeting everyone! We should be there Wednesday afternoon but it sounds like that will be early enough to get some sight seeing in before all the action starts.
Thx Clay. I'm very happy - Ozzy is quite a cool character :D. Hey, are you going to the National?
Yep, I'm planning to go. At least I'm 95% sure. If I were lucky enough to finish Zoni before then, I might not.
Field Trial is for dogs/bitches that have received their Field Championship in Lure coursing, usually… sometimes it will include Senior Courser titles.. and many times will be a Dual Champion (DC in the front of the dogs name) that stands for Conformation and Field Champion
Thanks! :) My first guess was that it had something to do with lure but wasn't sure.
:) I don't get to attend but I did order a jacket and vest. Just to far away and no vacation time from work available. But for sure next year. :D
sorry you can't make it… but thanks for the merchandise order, which by the way ... today is the last day to order....