Elevated Liver Enzyme
is milk thistle included on the liver cleansing diet? (i forget) if it's not, you may want to do some research and ask your vet about milk thistle supplement. it's easy enough to find at your local holistic food store.
ALT could definitely be elevated because of the NSAID. Just because it is not the "norm" doesn't mean it isn't the NSAID. I have a couple that have blood work that is normal for them that is not quite "normal". I also have one whose liver enzyme numbers are "atypical" for pred use but the specialist still feels they are probably from that.
Spencer has the same issue. He has had elevated ALKP since last fall, but it tripled in January, and his ALT was elevated for the first time last week (while his ALKP decreased). I opted to have the ultrasound to see if we could figure out what was going on.
Spencer is now on milk thistle and SAMe, so we'll see. I was far more alarmed than my vet and the vets at UT, who all claim that they routinely see much, much higher liver values in older dogs (especially those on NSAIDs). They also told me that the "norm" isn't really a good benchmark for older dogs with aging organs and multiple health issues. I knew that, but it was good to hear. Sounds like you're doing all the right things– I hope it helps your little girl!
No, NSAIDs aren't a good option for Spencer because of his kidneys. We can't find any specific reason for his liver enzymes to be so high. It's puzzling.
Milk thistle is one of the herbal treatments that has good solid research supporting it. Having liver disease myself, I have used it almost 11 yrs and truly do credit it with helping me still be here.
That said, a lot of people, including vets, swear that Sam-e works. Arwen has had slightly elevated liver enzymes for almost 2 yrs. Not much better even with both supplements, never worse, and yes, she has had full blood work and is DNA Fanconi clear. However, she does have CUPS so it on and off antibiotics and on steroids, low dose every other day. Her liver enzymes actually get better on antibiotics, so who the heck knows.
Debra, which milk thistle do you use? And how long does it generally take to show any effect? My vet was skeptical about the herbals, but I wanted to try them. As long as alternative treatments don't interfere with the meds Spencer takes, I'm willing to try anything. I've had very good success with supplements outside the prescriptive– as I know many others have.
My 13 year old girl was diagnosed with a gallbladder problem via ultrasound over a year ago and was recently diagnosed with a liver mass. For the gall bladder problem, she is taking Ursodiol and she is taking two supplements for the liver problem. She cannot go on the liver diet because she has Fanconi.
Jennifer, how did they diagnose the liver mass– ultrasound? Spencer's ultrasound and abdominal x-rays did not show an enlarged liver or any sort of mass, but the vet said a liver tumor was possible. I did not want to do a biopsy, so we're unsure what is causing the elevated liver enzymes and are treating the dog, not the bloodwork.
The liver mass was diagnosed via ultrasound but the ultrasound was for a follow-up for the gallbladder problem. An x-ray was done also to check for any problems in the chest/heart/lung area and the mass could be seen on the x-ray. The mass was not there about 9 months previously when the gallbladder problem was first diagnosed. Perhaps Spencer's tumor is small and cannot be seen. How did the gallbladder and other organs look? Missy's levels were elevated with her gallbladder problem.
The vet said that all of Spencer's organs look fine and she can't feel or see anything abnormal. It's been a few months and he's had so many tests that I can't remember exactly what ruled out gallbladder issues. He had chest and abdominal x-rays, as well as the ultrasound, and nothing looked amiss. But my vet seems to think he could have a small, hidden mass– mainly, I think, because we've ruled out almost everything else. The next step would be a liver biopsy, and I just don't want to go there.
I would have Spencer evaluated every 3-6 months with bloodwork, ultrasound, and x-rays. The last ultrasound the internist did was only for the gallbladder but it showed part of the liver also and the cost was much less expensive than having a total abdominal ultrasound done. It was billed as a focal ultrasound and was only $60. Dr. Tracy did the x-ray about a week later to check for cancer or other problems with the chest or heart and the x-ray showed the mass.
Hi, my 7yr male is having similar problems. What happened with yours? After routine blood work to prep for teeth cleaning, hehas 900 level for ALT as well as high levels for ALK, Globulin, and Total Protein. We did an ultrasound as recommended by vet, which did not find anything abnormal in terms of enlarged liver or masses. Vet has suggested to start him on Denamarin, water soluble Vitamin E, and omega fatty acids. Then to test blood again in 1-2 months. Vet says to still go ahead with the teeth cleaning since liver issues can also be a result of teeth issues.