Great advice! Now that you mention it, this neighbor has a dog that Tango can smell every time we go in the hallway. I’m sure the boy also smelled like the dog. Another thing that happened a couple months ago is the mother of a dog owner in the building was walking two dogs and couldn’t manage it, the small dog got away and came after him and he was not having it. I thought the worst was about to happen.
Bad behavior -
Bad behavior@eeeefarm
It is a martingale, never have used a harness. I did get a muzzle but it’s not fitting so back to the store to try again. He wasn’t terrible when I was putting it on him. Just tried to eat it like everything else. -
Bad behavior@elbrant
Thank you, it’s not a cataract it’s some other eye defect they had checked out when he was a puppy. They said it might affect the peripheral vision but didn’t know for sure. The hard thing about this is when I’m entering my back door I can’t always tell If someone is there or coming out. I think my best option is going to be a muzzle. When I’m outside it’ll be easy to control but not through the narrow passage ways of my building. -
Bad behaviorThanks, talked to the boys mom And he’s ok, just got a little frightened. He also has a slight eye fog which affects his peripheral vision snd I wonder if he got spooked since both times it was someone on that side.
Bad behaviorHi, I have an 11 year old male. Recently his behavior has gotten worse. There’s been a few life changes but even prior to that he was acting out. So he does ok with myself snd my teenagers and the boarder. About 6 months ago he bit my boyfriends arm when he went to reach for something the dog got out of the trash. He drew blood and it left a pretty bad mark. A few months ago we moved into a small place inside a building do have to walk him anytime he wants out snd there are several neighbors in the building. We had one incident where walking in he reached up and tried to bite a neighbors shorts. Another incident a short time ago when a male friend was sitting by him and I on the coach and he tried to nip him and then just today after going outside we were walking g in the building a teen boy was coming out snd he went after him and bit him in the leg. The boy said he was ok but I’m not sure how hard he tried to bite down. I think some of these things could be dominance or resource guarding but I’m not sure how to fix it. I’m home with the dog all day. I can’t be on edge every time we get close to someone. For the time I’ve put his dog bed on the floor do he can’t be up high. Any suggestions?
Frustrated w/ the chewingIvoss- Thanks, sounds like a fun exercise. I'm going to get out the yoga mat and give it a try.
Frustrated w/ the chewingIvoss- I did have them doing the stand still like a tree thing outside when they were playing and it does work pretty well. But we have this issue where he likes to go after some of her fuzzy sweatshirts and will jump up on her trying to attack it and that when it doesn't work. He keeps jumping up trying to get at it and she gets nervous. That's when standing still still or running, like she does, doesn't work. When he gets mouthy we will close his mouth, but never anything to hurt him. And right now he doesn't do that very much.
I'll go back and read ideas for mental stimulation. I've tried hiding treats in things and hiding toys that type of thing. I guess I need some more ideas. I think sometimes this is more work than having an infant!
Frustrated w/ the chewingTanza- He did somewhat discourage a pup at the beginning and I went into this wanting an older dog from the start. I got the first B when he was only 8 weeks old and knew I didn't want to do that again. Then sweet little Tango showed up (one of the last to be adopted from a litter they had) And I thought he was so sweet and cute and he was already about four months old and thought I could handle it. The older dog I originally wanted to meet was adopted right before I had the chance to see him.
I haven't had as much contact w/ the breeder lately. He was close to me but moved further away over the summer. I think the breeder is wonderful and I would be leaning more on them if they still lived close by. I'm going to send him and email and see what he thinks. I was going to have him take Tango again for a few days sometime soon to assess him and give us another short break so I can do something fun w/ the kids.
Frustrated w/ the chewingMy daughter is 11 and my son is 7. I did get the dog for me, not for them. My daughter is old enough to take the dog for a walk but doesn't often. They aren't here every day of the week either. I did take them to obedience classes w/ me but they were bored and the trainers wanted only one person actively participating so the dog wouldn't get confused. We have been thinking of doing more classes here soon but things are tough all of a sudden financially.
Tango did alot of running after the kids in the beginning and biting at them trying to get them to play. My son is very good at saying no Tango or closing his mouth when he does something he shouldn't be. My daughter runs and cries when he goes after her in play and I've told her she just needs to take his collar and say no, that's it. But she's fearful of him biting…even though he's never hurt her, so she runs and cries.The thing is we're all trying as much as we can but it's hard to remember all the time to make sure things are up and doors are shut for them (and for me) and things happen and then we're upset and frustrated at each other and him. The other day I looked away and thought he was chewing on his bone and it was my laptop!! I'm just tired of being upset w/ the dog. I can't manage the household when I have to watch him every second and if I spent more time keeping him occupied and worn out then nothing in the house is ever going to get done and I just don't even now what to do other that hiring a maid or a dog walker.
He spent time with the breeder over the summer and was perfect for him. But he had other dogs and the breeder keeping him busy. He does wonderfully w/ him and also with my significant other. When he is here the dog listens much better and doesn't go looking for trouble.
I'm going to call a new trainer today that someone recommended and take him there for a visit. So I'll let you all know what comes of that. I don't see me being able to make many changes on my part as far as devoting more time to him so I don't know how it's going to get better. I just bought a home a year ago, I work full time and barely have enough time for the kids and their activities. I was hoping that I would have been able to stay on a part time schedule when I got him but that's not the case now. I'm running around the house constantly going "Where is the dog" And "What is he chewing now?"!!
Frustrated w/ the chewingThanks, I know he probably isn't getting enough excercise. It's all I can do to get him a couple of walks in a day. I don't have enough energy to keep up. There is no way I'm able to run w/ him a few miles every day. I'm a single parent trying to keep up and I can't, I really just can't. We have nylabones, ropes stuffed toys and I do get him knuckle bones from the butcher and fill up Kongs w/ peanut butter. It's my belongings that he'd rather have when I'm not paying attention for a second.
Tango just turned a year old.
Frustrated w/ the chewingTango has been doing great for the most part. He's getting along well w/ the children, better w/ my son who knows how to handle him, not as good w/ my daughter who is afraid of him most of the time and doesn't feel comfortable correcting him because she's afraid of being bitten.
Anyways he's a lovable sweet dog the only thing is the chewing. I can't get a handle on him destroying everything. He's chewed up almost every pair of underwear in the house, cords, toys, remotes, kitchen chairs, coats, sweatshirts, plastic, his collar, memory cards…I could go on and on. I'm so frustrated and running out of money to replace everything he destroys. I know you'll all say put things away shut the doors. The kids don't always remember to shut the doors, it's an old house and they don't always latch properly, I don't have a lock on my hamper and I'm busy and can't keep one eye on him 24/7. He's escaped out of the crate a couple of times also (my fault for not having it latched properly) and destroyed things. Are household is becoming very tense and we aren't not enjoying the dog anymore because we spend all day trying to make sure he's not in trouble. He also knows how to open the gate outside and get out so we also have to watch him every second outside also. I'm exhausted trying to be one step ahead of him all the time!
I had a basenji once before and he grew out of this. It was never this frustrating. I also didn't have kids at the time and had other help in the household which makes a difference. I'm just at wits end!!
Malaika in the snowWhere did you find her pretty red coat? I've been looking for a fleece one like that.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under control -
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlJust an update on Tango. I'd like to thank all of you that gave me advice. I've used many of the suggestions I've been given here and I have talked to the breeder many times. I didn't realize that by also getting advice here that some people would get so offended. A breeder can be of great assistance and support but so can people that are having similar problems. I believe that is why these boards are here ??
Tango spent almost a week with Kyle about a month ago and I haven't had many issues since then. He's grown out of alot of his nippy behavior and we've learned how to better correct his bad behavior.
An older dog would probably been a better fit for my household but we're managing and he's a sweet boy.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5578227&l=897faf9350&id=661066455 -
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlKhani's- I thought you were the co-breeder. I was just looking at his papers when we were at the vet. I did send Kyle an e-mail. I want to try working w/ him until I make a definite decision. I think they are in the process of moving right now so I'm sure they have alot going on. Just waiting on a reply from him. I would never place him anywhere without them knowing.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlYou know I did start thinking about this with the intentions of getting an older dog that had been trained and was good w/ children. I really didn't want to go through the puppy stage again. I have been looking at the BRAT site for a couple of years on a regular basis to see if there were any rescues in my area that might suit us. Then I was considering a one year old from the breeder but he was adopted. I have waitied the last 10 years for my kids to be older and us to be ready for this and really thought we were. That's how long it's been since I had my last one. I do go home and spend my lunch hour w/ him walking and playing w/ him so he's never alone more than a few hours without a break. But I think he's still bored. And when outside I try to have one of us out there w/ him most of the time.
Yesterday my sister who own 3 Goldens and has quite a bit of dog training experience came over to walk him while we were gone. She said he was trying to knock down the gate to get upsairs (he's not allowed up there, it's my daughter's room) When she told him no and fixed the gate he jumped up and bit at her, not hard but he's still biting. He also did this to me a couple of days ago, biting my arms and legs again.
I am afraid of what might happen w/ other kids. When the smaller ones are around I've seen him chase after them trying to play too hard so I don't let them over w/ him in the yard anymore. But he loves going to see them and letting them pet him when he's on leash.
I hate to give up and the kids are getting attatched but yeah, it is no fun for any of us to be on edge either.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlI appreciate allt he advice given. I'm really not trying to make excuses, just trying to explain my situation. Which is really just EXHAUSTION! I am a single mom juggling 2 kids, dog and the house. If I only let him out of his crate when I could watch him 100% he would never leave his crate. He's in it it while I work. He's in it when he sleeps and in it when I have to leave the house. My backyard is completely safe for him and that's where he plays alot of the time. Although he can now figure out how to open the gate which is another issue. I do not have a garage to put an additional crate in.
The kids have been taught to put away their things (they are 7 &10) and not leave them where the do can get to them, but it's not always just their things. It's furniture, it's things that I do not have a place for, it's pretty much everything. If it's somewhere where I think he can't get it, he finds a way to get it. The bedroom doors stay closed at all times but there are times he gets in there and gets into trouble too.
All this advice is great but I do think I'm in over my head and just can't manage it all. I have been trying to give it 100% and do everything that has been suggested. I really have. The last thing I want is him harming the kids. I just can't keep up w/ him.
The breeder is Kaleonhae's in OH.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlI'm taking things away from him because he always has something he shouldn't and he's destroyed many things. The kids shoes, socks, toys, paper bags, his crate pad. So when he has these things I'm going to get them away from him not let him tear it up while I look for something else to give him. I'm trying to keep him from chewing up everything in the house!! And yes, I have basenji proofed the best I can w/ 2 kids in the house.
I do not have a room that I can keep him in. He will jump any babygate that I put up. So it's his either his crate or the backyard.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlAnnimon- Thanks for the post. I agree, I'm not terrifying him just getting him in a position to relax. I don't know what else to do sometimes and don't want to use the crate as punishment either. I had teenagers here the other day and he was getting wound up, jumping and trying to bite and I had them stand still and stop play and he soon stopped. This is much harder to do w/ my younger ones who can get afraid and run and don't want to stand still when he acts up .
The past few days with the young kids away at camp have been pretty easy, I've had more time to focus on him and more time to get him excercised which does make a big difference.
The biting though sometimes I think is meaningful and not just play. He will go after my arms and legs sometimes when I'm trying to get something away from him or when I'm just relaxing, no play he will bite out of the blue. I've tried the yelping but I'm really not sure how much that's helping.
8 month old is biting…can't get him under controlLauren- Thank you so much!!! What you're saying makes so much sense! All of you have had great advice. Thanks for the book recommendations.
As far as the dominance goes I never in any way hurt him or make him fear me. He's quite comfortable in the positon in my arms belly up and will relax there for awhile. The floor excercises trainers have shown me are very brief, put him down and let him up after a couple of seconds. But I see that maybe that's not working.
As far as the bite inhibition I've read about it on here in other posts but never knew much about it before. What's difficult however is getting everyone in the family to do it and be on the same page. The kids react when mouthed by him but I haven't had them try the yelping yet.
The Trainer told me to try the Kong w/ peanut butter in it. So that's what I'm going to get him next to play with.
I think the problem is alot of the training advice I'm getting at home is from those who own dogs like Golden Retrievers and these things work for them but aren't what is going to work with a Basenji. The one dog trainer said the last Basenji they had in class didn't last long. We're going to start the second class soon, and/ or Aglility. So hopefully that will help keep him busy.