I have tried to put him in the backyard a few times but as long as he knows someone is inside, he will continue. As for the walking, it works until we get back home. I have even tried having him meet guests outside before coming in and it still didn't work. He is a shelter dog and I'm almost positive he's just trying to protect his home and us because he's never had someone who actually cared about him; plus we really don't get guests too often so it's just taking twice as long for him to understand.

HELP! Non-stop barking at our guests -
HELP! Non-stop barking at our guests@antigone Yeah I definitely agree that he has not had the best past and having me save him, he has become protective over my mom and I and I feel like he is just trying to protect us and his home, but I just can't get him to understand that everything is fine and we are safe. I work at a daycare/boarding resort and he loves everyone there, males and females, but someone he doesn't know walks past his room, he starts his barking.
HELP! Non-stop barking at our guests@eeeefarm Yes bc he knows people are inside and also can still hear them talking. I will try the "speak" and "quiet" method though bc I have only told him "no" and to "stop" which he listens to unless it is in these types of scenarios.
HELP! Non-stop barking at our guests@kjdonkers I unfortunately do not know anything about his past other than the fact that he was going to be euthanized so they transferred him to the shelter where I ended up adopting him at. There was one scenario recently where my mom and a guy friend over and Bradley did his barking spiel, but once I sat down with them, he stopped. He was still very skiddish of the guy but was very tolerant with him. However, that was the only case :/. One time I put him in his crate and covered it with a blanket and he still barked bc he heard a male voice.
HELP! Non-stop barking at our guestsI adopted my Basenji Mix, Bradley, a year ago and anytime we have any guest(s) over, he absolutely will not stop barking at them(especially if it is a male). He is not aggressive towards them at all, if anything, he's more afraid of them because anytime we have them try and pet him, give a treat, sit with him, etc. he backs away. I feel like I have tried everything and I am almost to the point where I want to give up, but I know that won't help solve the problem either. Does anyone have this problem as well, or have any tips for me?
Thank you -
HELP! Never-ending barking at our guests at homeI adopted my Basenji Mix, Bradley, a year ago and anytime we have any guest(s) over, he absolutely will not stop barking at them(especially if it is a male). He is not aggressive towards them at all, if anything, he's more afraid of them because anytime we have them try and pet him, give a treat, sit with him, etc. he backs away. I feel like I have tried everything and I am almost to the point where I want to give up, but I know that won't help solve the problem either. Does anyone have this problem as well, or have any tips for me?
Thank you