I had dreams of a petite 18 pounder. Sayblee was 25, not fat. At the nationals in NC, Erin handled her. I was amazed and a bit distressed at the number of bitches and dogs who were quite a bit bigger. I didn't rudely ask their weights, lol, and some were definitely overweight. But as you can see, Sayblee was not. (It's been almost 11 years since I lost her to lymphoma. I have given up on wondering when I'll stop grieving for her.)[image: 1559915244381-bobpa1.jpg]
With Erin
[image: 1559915276395-erin2.jpg] [image: 1559915317512-bosmay02a.jpg]
Let me add I am NOT a fan of them getting bigger and hope my experiences have been unusual. My comment to the OP was simply that being 30 pounds doesn't mean it cant be a basenji.