YES! Like this was!!:
Okay let me try again, whether you meant old as age or old as time on forum, your post was as mean and snarky as those you seem to be against. You took no effort to write a constructive non-attacking post. Until you do so yourself, the hypocrisy of your post clouds any weight to it, making it obvious that in your opinion, YOU can post however harshly and snarkily as you want and it is educational. If someone else does, it is nasty. You can't have it both ways. So how about you posting in the way you think OTHERS should and set an example. Because to me, your post exemplified what you were ranting against. In fact, to me your post was WORSE than most. Most posts are about TOPICS, and however hotly debated, are not personal attacks. Your post, undeniably, was personal against people.
Another thought is that just because many agree about something, it doesn't make them some rabid pack. This thread is a great example. There are legit reasons that breeders and rescues have issues with what is being done.
As for the CL listing, I am sorry that Patty let them stop her. Unless the forum moderator contacts her, she should do what she wants. Even there, many of us supported her. It was basically a division between breeders/nonbreeders. However, both sides have legit concerns. Topics like that should be addressed by the moderator since it wasn't BREED related by forum policy related, imo. Patty, I hope you take the supporters of you, those who understand and appreciate your intent, more to heart than the others. (((hugs)))
After a while, it seems as its best to fight fire with fire.
Im sure everyone here thinks Ima big weenie and should grow up , but I just dont see the point in some of the forum contributers being so "snarky"
I too didnt agree with the posts about the CL listings, as I personally contacted the ad owners and offered my help in rehoming their dogs on behalf of BRAT.
Patty- you can email them to me if you feel the need to. With all the other websites I cruise, CL sometimes is the bottom of my list. Thanks for your hard work :)