Thank you... I wasnt sure about the food, some say too much protein, some say that protein are good for acidic urine...
i will loose the vegetables for a fee days (Fred will be happy) and keep treating UTI with antibiotic and D-manoze.
Kibble is a problem because he is straching his mouth and ears when eating it, That’s why we are on raw diet. He eats horse and lamb meat and he likes green peas so that was his main vegetable. I hope the problem was in the peas 😂🤣..
Thank you... we are going tomorrow on x ray to see If there are any Stones...
Blood in urine
Cranberry's are good for helping with UTI's….. I have used Cranberry pills for years....
Are there canine specific cranberry extracts?
Seems odd that now he has been having accidents since starting the antibiotics on Wednesday. He's had one accident yesterday and today. Although the one this morning was very minor, almost like he cut himself off right away. When I took him out right after, his urine seemed much more clear so perhaps there is improvement. He had been outside probably 3 hours before the accident. I'm guessing the additional water in his diet and the meds are making him go more frequently.
I just use human cranberry pills.