@rhughes89 Sweden and Finland have banned crates and crate training
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both? -
Cushings DiseaseMine was diagnosed with pituitary cushing's in Dec 2015. I lost him October 2020 and it was to something completely unrelated to cushing's. He never had issues with anything related to cushing's except a gall bladder mucocele easily treated with an inexpensive medication. There are exceptions to the two year average. Yours may be another exception 😊
Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues@dagodingo said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
@elbrant Evidently she doesn’t know that I snapshot and copy each post lmao. Been doing it since the first defamatory post.
She also can’t figure out with that pea brain, that her deleted posts are all recoverable permanently. Along with the logs Alex has.
The thread will be removed, might take him a couple of days.
give it to the president, seriously, I don't care. I deleted them because it kind of dawned on me that if you want to go, we can go, but not appropriate on this forum